

Long Time Member
just spent some time in Vegas and every time i'm there it makes me think of prostitutes. should it be legal across the U.S.?
Do they still have those guys handing out those cards on the streets advertizing whores at your door ?
yep, all up and down the strip. streets are littered with the cards. need to put an end to that.
>I would never pay for P***Y,
>but then again I am
>married so...I guess I do!

You got that right.. If your married you pay PLENTY for it. Now should prostitution be legal? I think it is like other things that are not legal that make criminals out of otherwise law abiding tax paying people so I say why not? People are going to do it anyway laws or no laws. If you don't agree with it don't do it..
simple as that.
No! With all the legalized casinos and gambling across the country Nevada is losing it's claims to fame right and left. Jeez, let us be unique for something!

As a side note there is a bill in the Nevada legislature to add a $5 tax onto the customers fees for all prostitution in Nevada, both legal and illegal. Think the illegal ones will collect and pay? Had to laugh at a co-worker the other day. She was telling me about this bill and she said they are going to collect a tax of "$5 per head". I laughed at her and replied "so to speak". She turned beat red.
A positive outlook on our financial crisis is that there are some deep discounts to be had.
Not to mention blowout specials :)
If you make it legal it will take mosty of the fun out of it!! Lol

FELENO, did ya hit the vampire show this time??

Slammer we went down there to see some cousins/nephs/family. they bought tickets to a kid-friendly show we'd already seen before. i told the little lady when we go back this fall we gotta see the vampire show. its going to be us and another couple, no kids
Yep! Legalize it across the States!!!

It's just another victimless law that is "immoral". You're happy, and she's happy with your money. It's a win win!!!

....Well, unless you catch somethin.....
Maybe you should just invest in a Fleshlight and then you could forget about prostitutes.
isnt there only one county in nevada where its legal? and dont they make the "ladies" get tested regularly? its not the worlds oldest profession for nothing. guys everywhere will always pay for a little slap and tickle. $5 a head tax doesnt sound too long as they tighten it up and dont tax you out the backdoor:)
I think marijuana should be legal before prostitutes. At least if you smoke reefer before you go home you won't give anyone AIDS.

AND, if the government is going to make money off of taxing something...ehh? Nevermind I hate politics.
BTW, isn't prostitution illegal in Clark co.(Vegas) ?

Seems like enforcing it wouldn't be to difficult if the business cards are scattered everywhere.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-04-09 AT 08:32PM (MST)[p]its illegal in washoe and clark county but I think its legal in all the the rest. Usually the townships make it illegal in town so they set up the houses outside of town along the highway.

It should be legal everywhere imo. Probably the only reason it isn't is the government hasn't figured out how they can collect the taxes on every sale.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-04-09 AT 09:03PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-04-09 AT 09:01?PM (MST)

Why again do you think it should be legal? Any logical reasoning there? Talk to anyone who is educated in public and environmental health and they will make you feel like a fool. This is only a stoner's oppinion apparently.
"Probably the only reason it isn't is the government hasn't figured out how they can collect the taxes on every sale."

Ding ding ding, we have a winner!!

(MTNMAYHEM don't get too excited I said WINNER dude, not WEINER) jk ;-) hope you can take a joke...I surely can lol

Maybe it should be legal? Most have sex anyways. Paying for it isnt much different. I feel like I get SCREWED everytime I gas up or when I get a pop or candybar these days.....
Yup!!!Just make sure the government doesn't control it. Private business...Legalize it, control it, tax the crap out of it...Hell, it would pay for highways, schools, build shelters and feed the homeless. Sex sells.
Well - here is how I feel about it. A few years ago one of the brainless undergraduates in charge of the University of Texas student newspaper - The Daily Texan wrote an editorial about legalizing prostitution and had made several of the points made or insinuated here already. I felt compelled to write a letter to the editor and it was published. Here it is:

The Daily Texan > Opinion

The Firing Line

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Share this article Published: Sunday, November 20, 2005

Updated: Friday, January 9, 2009

Viewpoint logic flawed

When I read the Viewpoint of Friday, Nov. 18 titled "Legalize Prostitution" I was appalled not by the subject matter, but rather by the flawed logic and arguments it presented.

First off, I am tired of the "just because it exists, it should be legal" ideology that so often prevails in The Daily Texan commentary. This is right in line with the "well everyone else is doing it" mentality that any 14-year-old knows won't fly past his or her parents on a Friday night. Following this same line of logic, we could also say that because murder exists too, it should be legal as well. That way, as the article suggests about prostitution, the government can control it and as the author wrote in the last line, since "(s)ome people get off on doing the forbidden" legalizing murder "may actually curtail the practice inadvertently."

It's a good thing that the Viewpoint is always written by an anonymous author because idiotic statements and conclusions like these can sure spell a quick end to what may have been a promising journalism career; I wouldn't want my name attached to such drivel either.

Also, I'd like to know exactly which of the "world's most developed countries" the author was referring to where the sex trade has been legalized, The Netherlands? The Czech Republic? Or perhaps such countries Asian countries such as Cambodia and Thailand where minors are frequently exploited and an estimated 1.2 million people contracted HIV in 2004 alone.

Maybe the author should have spent a little more time doing research before spouting off an off-base opinion more full of conjecture and insinuation than facts.

The author did however get one thing right, but with the wrong conclusion: It is time to "stop feigning innocence and family values" and actually take a stand and live up to them.

Garrett Oleen Ph.D. candidate Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Great post ROY. I wasnt really saying to legalize it, I was mearly poking fun of it. (NO PUN INTENDED). Anyways your right and I can't understand why its ok to publish porn and hand it all around, let the media put sex, nudity, drugs, and all the other crap that they can parade around in front of us and our kids. Yet prostitution is illegal. My question is where do we draw the line? Who makes the decisions that one thing is wrong and another is ok? I guess I am saying none of it makes sense. Of course nothing does these days. Good is bad and bad is good. Its a messed up world we live in and its only going to get worse.
My point is, what gives anyone the right to tell anyone else what they can and cannot do with their own body? As long as they do not harm anyone else it should not matter. If your dumb enough to have unprotected sex with a prostitute and catch aids, oh well, its your own fault. If you turn around and give it to someone else knowing you have it you should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

I am just sick and tired of all these laws that are designed to protect us from ourselves because something MIGHT happen. It amounts to slavery and tyranny imo.


I LOVE you G'man, and depend on you for
EXACTLY such things...

That's funny right there,
I don't care who you are...

>My point is, what gives anyone
>the right to tell anyone
>else what they can and
>cannot do with their own
>body? As long as they
>do not harm anyone else
>it should not matter. If
>your dumb enough to have
>unprotected sex with a prostitute
>and catch aids, oh well,
>its your own fault. If
>you turn around and give
>it to someone else knowing
>you have it you should
>be prosecuted to the fullest
>extent of the law.

Fair long as the infected dont require govt assisted health care. Cause I'm tired of paying for everyone elses poor choices. Freedom goes both ways.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I agree with the fact that I am tired of paying for others bad choices. Hope it is not legalized ever. Just a step in the wrong direction i think.

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