Props to Founder


Long Time Member
Random Tuesday, and for no real reason, other than realizing the guys I enjoy bantering with are here, and some who I've enjoyed aren't.

I've probably got a dozen STFU warnings. Had my share of deleted posts, and even got pretty heated debating "sharing" info.

But, Brian, who I've never met, has always maintained a freedom of speech forum when few if any actually have.

It's refreshing, in the era of selling out to sponsors, taking tourism cash to sell states, hotspotting areas for you tube fame, etc, to have a dude allow us on his place, because he actually likes to hunt, for the sake of hunting.

So, I look forward to more STFU, PM's, more deleted posts. But, I appreciate the guy that lets us enjoy the community here.

Thanks Founder
Gonna take more than that for Founder to share his scouting reports with you hoss. . But on the other hand, if you got 14 or 15 WY pts, maybe he’ll take you out for a steak dinner and some dancing.

? Just messin with ya both and maybe trying to earn two STFU’s of my own at the same time!
You look around at the handful of forums that are around, and sooner or later, you find out the owners aren't being honest brokers.

Ya, Founder is selling Bess' data to middle aged swinger sites. But Founders not in here pimping new crap yearly based on sponsor dollars, nor is he promoting units or states because the tourism board paid him to.

If you've been around long enough you see personal gear, is pretty basic, and not really what you expect. Pretty refreshing a guy uses stuff he likes vs who pays him.

I was thinking we'd share points, but 0+0=0, so not real valuable.

Yes, I'd accept an invite to the expo after party though??.

Just refreshing to not be being marketed to, sold to, preached at about "principles" that involve backdoor $$$.

Dude is in the tiny handful of truly great mule deer hunters in history, and outside of here, no one would know. Old school, and I like old school.
I haven't been on MM for a while simply because of the hostility prevalent in the political forum that leaked onto others as well. I am glad that this remained a hunting site. Who needs another Facebook gripe session? It's one thing to expect a voice, and another to stand at the street corner yelling all day. I prefer fewer posts, and better quality. This probably comes at a loss for Founder, but it was the right thing to do.
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I haven't been on MM for a while simply because of the hostility prevalent in the political forum that leaked onto others as well.
That's why I quit coming here as often and I know that's why a bunch of other people left too.

Somebody will mention something as innocuous as the weather and the same four guys will reply with FJB or something about "Brandon" thinking they're being clever. It's boring

That's why I quit coming here as often and I know that's why a bunch of other people left too.

Somebody will mention something as innocuous as the weather and the same four guys will reply with FJB or something about "Brandon" thinking they're being clever. It's boring

Guys seek out confirmation. Rare dudes take heat and enjoy it. Most want a hug and a jersey.

Theres a place for the BHA Maga crowd, and it gets boring there too.
Forum should be treated like locker rooms.

There are from time to time honest, instructive conversations.

But most of the time, it's a big dick contest, stories about who banged the hottest chick, etc, etc.

Dudes that get their feelers hurt, should stick to pinterest.

This is a fun site. Founder obviously gets it. Takes 10 sec to pick out the educational topics. The rest guys should have fun with, and enjoy them for what they are.

If you take yourself so serious, you need to complain, then head over to Newbergs site, and you can discuss for years meaningless drivel while having sponsor and tourism marketing shoved down your throat under the guise of "advocacy".

Or go to rokslide, oops, some guys got tossed, guess they cant-??

I agree, thanks Founder
I like the site as well. Being from Phoenix I was on the coues site for ever ,followed here but rarely posted , Got tired of the 3-4 Butt heads over there who live on it and think they own it. Only one guy on Here from Az. gives me crap and He hides and don't give any info on Himself. I am Willing to give out info and have helped alot of people over the years, Being 67 almost I won't draw most places I hunted again , so I don't mind telling Info. I only give one guy crap on here cuz again the know it all syndrome ,but I respect Him too. Happy hunting all and If I can help I will with info. .....................BULL!
I’ve been on here on and off since 2004. Usually I read and don’t say a whole lot. Bess and vanilla arguing has been pretty damn funny though. And despite what a moron Tristate is, it has been funny to read those debates too. Founder does have my respect as a mule deer killer. And he really has let this be a place you can mostly say what you wish.
I don’t follow or read anything on the internet that I’m not interested in or disagree with to the point of keyboard arguments. It’s pretty much that simple, if you don’t like it , don’t read it. I have been a member on here for around 12 years. I have also been a member on another well known forum for 12 years. The other forum is completely neutered now. Not even worth going on. I’m glad there is a wild Wild West mentality here. If I don’t like a thread I just open up a thread I do like.
Founder is the most reasonable around in moderation for sure.

I know Founder needs to make a few bucks, but it is refreshing to see that he doesn't go overboard on the business angle. Unlike "super-conservationist" Newberg who has contracts with half the west and is tanking our draw odds with incessant strategy talk over his umpteen "channels". Or Denning who is constantly slinging promoted gear and using moderation practice to protect sponsors (Bowmar).
Guys seek out confirmation. Rare dudes take heat and enjoy it. Most want a hug and a jersey.

Theres a place for the BHA Maga crowd, and it gets boring there too.
I think that a good point though of having a debate, call it an argument/ discussion but you gotta take the heat if you play with fire/free speech
Even the sellouts show up daily View attachment 113671
it too good not to
There are other forums besides MM? I've never been to one. Oh, except to Humboldt Tuna Club. I can get local fishing info.
Random Tuesday, and for no real reason, other than realizing the guys I enjoy bantering with are here, and some who I've enjoyed aren't.

I've probably got a dozen STFU warnings. Had my share of deleted posts, and even got pretty heated debating "sharing" info.

But, Brian, who I've never met, has always maintained a freedom of speech forum when few if any actually have.

It's refreshing, in the era of selling out to sponsors, taking tourism cash to sell states, hotspotting areas for you tube fame, etc, to have a dude allow us on his place, because he actually likes to hunt, for the sake of hunting.

So, I look forward to more STFU, PM's, more deleted posts. But, I appreciate the guy that lets us enjoy the community here.

Thanks Founder
Why don't you just STFU!
I'm guilty as a 15 or so year Mod of letting a few things go that I'm obligated to shut down, and I am guilty of saying things I know go against the house rules, but if I feel they've led to a decent discussion or debate, I'll turn a blind eye ?

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