Proposed WYG&F Cutbacks

No problem. Just double up on auction permits like Utah. That fixes everything, doesn't it?

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & the SFW Dislike Club
LAST EDITED ON Mar-10-13 AT 09:40AM (MST)[p]I have an idea...How about buying fuel at cost? Have employees fill up their tanks where the other state vehicles do. Assign a number to the vehicle, and pay the state at the end of the month. I wonder how much that would save????? Specially with the recently passed law which adds $.10 to each gallon of gas starting in July.

Maybe cut-back on buying new trucks all the time. the local game warden here seems to do his grocery shopping with the work truck.
>AT 09:40?AM (MST)

>I have an idea...How about buying
>fuel at cost? Have
>employees fill up their tanks
>where the other state vehicles
>do. Assign a number to
>the vehicle, and pay the
>state at the end of
>the month. I wonder how
>much that would save????? Specially
>with the recently passed law
>which adds $.10 to each
>gallon of gas starting in

Government vehicles don't pay taxes on gas even at gas stations. It is the same price everywhere.
I retired from the Maine State Police and used to hear the same complaints about gassing up the cruiser. Like mentioned above the taxes weren't paid and the state had a pre set price with companies on a price per gallon. The pump price wasn't what the state actually paid.. Probably a similar deal
has anyone ever noticed how many times a week the G&F trucks show up at the regional offices? How far away do they drive to get there? I can tell you its alot and they dont need to live in the same town as the regional office. And yes they do drive G&F vehicles for personal uses. I see ai all the time. Just my observations.
Unlike Utah,Wyoming's auction permits are not pulled from the quota.I guess we'll find out how slashing some of these programs affects hunting and fishing in Wyoming.
>Unlike Utah,Wyoming's auction permits are not
>pulled from the quota.I guess
>we'll find out how slashing
>some of these programs affects
>hunting and fishing in Wyoming.

No, and they aren't used on public land, and don't impact the public land game herds. So the state should just pump out an unlimited amount until the budget is fixed.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & the SFW Dislike Club
I wonder if that expensive pheasant stocking program at $23 a bird will be one of the first things to go.
Zim--what was the reason for that silly post of yours?
Trout hatcheries will also get hit.I'd like to see an extensive audit of the Dept just to see where waste(if there is any)is.Pretty sure that will happen now,as the legislature is going to want to see that before any more funding or license increases are thrown their way.I don't think there is much fat there,but I'm betting there is some trimming done before any new license increases are brought up again.I'm talking administrative cuts,not just programs.

Easy Zim...didn't mean to strike a nerve there bud.Just stating a fact.

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