Proposed 2014 Wolf Quota


Very Active Member

This article indicates that a ruling is near from a Washington D.C. District Judge on the Wyoming Wolf Plan approved just two years ago. The trophy zone wolf quota for 2014 is up from the quota set in 2013. Now it is up to a couple of federal district judges to decide whether wolf hunts take place in 2014. We could have conflicting judicial rulings.
And the first year the quota was never met. But I guess the DC politics wont bring that info up. Leave those DC pukes out of it and keep it In Wyoming's hands. So frustrating

Thanks for the link the mighty hunter.
?If you have a population that is growing or at carrying capacity and you remove individuals ... they respond by producing more (cubs),? he said.

wolf cubs?

Aerial hunting is the only way to go.
Many have touted that the States now have control of wolf management but this whole process indicates that management is hardly controlled by the State.... or sportsmen!

Far too many hoops to jump through and too many hands must sign off on the deal to call it control by the State.

We're lucky anything ever gets done with the cumbersome system we've allowed to self-perpetuate.

Need to see some Grizzly bear control to. They are slaying the calves {cattle} pretty hard in Meetetsee. Since I work in the oil field in that area I get to see a lot of wolf/grizzly kills. One rancher has a old boar that comes every year and takes a toll on his calves. 2 years ago the game and fish aged him at 19 yrs so he is 21 now. Every year they tranq the bear and take him to the Jackson area. But within a few days that bear makes it back. The rancher is pretty frustrated.
>Need to see some Grizzly bear
>control to. They are slaying
>the calves {cattle} pretty hard
>in Meetetsee. Since I work
>in the oil field in
>that area I get to
>see a lot of wolf/grizzly
>kills. One rancher has a
>old boar that comes every
>year and takes a toll
>on his calves. 2 years
>ago the game and fish
>aged him at 19 yrs
>so he is 21 now.
>Every year they tranq the
>bear and take him to
>the Jackson area. But within
>a few days that bear
>makes it back. The rancher
>is pretty frustrated.

What will be real interesting is to see if the WGF has the balls to do what is RIGHT and eliminate the pack of wolves destroying the elk herd that lives a few miles south of Jhole and depends on the Horse creek and Camp creek feed grounds...

Those wolves out of Jackson sure made liars of Buzz H and the wolf experts with their surplus killing spree. Wonder if Buzz has the balls to admit he was DEAD wrong and wolves will & do kill way more than their 2-3 times a week(doubt it). Another interesting FACT is you will not hear the real truth about their killing spree in the local paper either. Once again the public has be kept from the REAL truth!!!!!

My bet is if the WGF does not eliminate the pack, the local patriots WILL!!!!
>What will be real interesting is
>to see if the WGF
>has the balls to do
>what is RIGHT and eliminate
>the pack of wolves destroying
>the elk herd that lives
>a few miles south of
>Jhole and depends on the
>Horse creek and Camp creek
>feed grounds...
>Those wolves out of Jackson sure
>made liars of Buzz H
>and the wolf experts with
>their surplus killing spree.
>Wonder if Buzz has the
>balls to admit he was
>DEAD wrong and wolves will
>& do kill way more
>than their 2-3 times a
>week(doubt it). Another interesting FACT
>is you will not hear
>the real truth about their
>killing spree in the local
>paper either. Once again
>the public has be kept
>from the REAL truth!!!!!
>My bet is if the WGF
>does not eliminate the pack,
>the local patriots WILL!!!!

WGF seems to have a different outlook. They say the wolf kills at Camp Creek are higher than normal but they say they do not warrant even changing elk harvest objectives. Sounds like a far cry from your belief that wolves are destroying the elk herd. One question for you. What would the WGF gain from misleading the public about the damage wolves are doing to elk herds?
"What would the WGF gain from misleading the public about the damage wolves are doing to elk herds"?

That is the very question I asked them... The WGF said they did not want to draw attention to the carnage, due to the pending judges decision in DC. Like I said, the truth is being swept under the carpet from the public AGAIN. If you want the truth about the wolf kills, call Chancy Wheeldon he owns the Mill Iron Ranch, he lives right on the feed ground. See if he thinks the the kills are worth any concern. His son has pictures of the over 300 inch bulls the wolves sport killed and ate nothing. He might even have video of the nights the wolves killed over ten elk and ate nothing. IMO the game and fish will not change harvest objectives until the wolves kill the elk beyond the point of no return.

The undeniable TRUTH about wolves is they kill way more than they need to eat! Wolves will continue to surplus kill until either the elk are gone or someone kills them, it's that simple. Our snow depth makes western Wyoming wintering elk, moose and deer sitting ducks for wolf packs. Your kidding your self if you think your getting the real TRUTH on wolf kills from Buzz the wolf experts or the WGF. This area we are talking about has a minimum of 20 wolves that hunt in the area, last year the wolf quota was 1 stinking wolf. You do the's pretty simple!
Directly from Mr. Wheeldons website.

"We have plenty of Moose in the Gros Ventre Wilderness. As a matter of fact they are everywhere as long as you don't have a permit for one."

"2. Ride into the Hoback/Granite area where you see herds of Elk and their babies. You get pretty darn close to the Wildlife."

Seems he feels the wolves have not devastated the moose population. He seems to feel that you will see herds of elk including the most unbelievable creature a surviving elk calf. He advertises his elk, deer, moose and sheep hunts. He makes no mention of the "undeniable truth" that the wolves are eating all the elk and that they are destined to be wiped out. Seems to me if the elk herd was on the verge of being wiped out he would want to mention that to prospective clients. I wonder why he doesn't?

Listen, I have no doubt that wolves can and do kill more than they eat. Most people do that as well. I also have no doubt that wolves have had an impact on elk, deer, moose and bison numbers. But to cast the WGF as purely deceptive with secret hidden agendas, while claiming that those who agree with your view are Patriots with nothing but the best of intentions seems a bit disingenuous.
LAST EDITED ON May-08-14 AT 02:27PM (MST)[p]Mulecreek,

Call Mr Wheeldon, see what he has to say if your man enough.... He has a front row seat to the destruction. I dare you, prove me wrong if you can!!! Don't just rely on what the news will allow you to read, talk to someone with first hand eye witnessing of the TRUTH.

There is no dispute elk are still surviving in Horse creek and Camp creek. What is happening, is the begining of the end of quality hunting for the residents of Jackson and Mr Wheeldon, if the wolves remain on a 1 wolf quota. The wheeldons family killed that 1 wolf, the first day of the season last year by the way. The problem is nobody has the balls to put the truth in the news paper with a link to video and photos of the killing spree's, educate the public. So consequently the truth is suppressed AGAIN. Then anyone willing to share the the truth gets accused of being disingenuous. Or guys like Buzz say your lying or uneducated on normal wolf predation. More suppression of the truth!!!

Another Fact, if there was not a pending decision in DC, this wolf pack would be DEAD! Everyone with a front row seat can see the writing on the wall. Even the WGF knows what needs to be done, they just do not have the stones to do what is right, until the judge makes his decision. The only reason the wolves are still alive is because of the suppression of the truth and the fear of federal interaction.

Mulecreek, this same scenario has played it's self out all around the west. I have witnessed this type of killing before, it will not stop until either the elk numbers crater or the pack is eliminated. Watch and see, this problem is not going away. Except in the predator zone in Wyoming. I think Utah has been laying them over quietly too!!! The IDFG is waking up too!
>Call Mr Wheeldon, see what he
>has to say if your
>man enough.... He has a
>front row seat to the
>destruction. I dare you, prove
>me wrong if you can!!!

Prove you wrong about what? If its that wolves kill more than they eat at times, I have always agreed with that. If its that wolves have had an impact on elk numbers, once again I agree with that point. If it's that the elk population is going to be wiped out unless every wolf is killed then I think you are full of it. Please tell me what I am suppose to prove you wrong about?

>wheeldons family killed that 1
>wolf the first day of
>the season last year by
>the way.

That's awesome. I bet it was a fun hunt.

>The problem
>is nobody has the balls
>to put the truth in
>the news paper with a
>link to video and photos
>of the killing spree's, educate
>the public.

Or on their website where they advertise the great hunting opportunities and the fact that moose are everywhere in this area that is just overrun with wolves.

>So consequently
>the truth is suppressed AGAIN.

No one is stopping Mr. Wheeldon. He already has the website and the ability to post to it. Heck he even has a photo gallery tab on his website. What is he waiting for?

>Watch and see,
>this problem is not going

If by problem you mean wolves in Wyoming then I agree they are here to stay. If the problem you are referring to is surplus killing then I agree with you it will continue. If by problem you mean that elk in Wyoming will be wiped out by wolves then once again I disagree with you.
Your right Mulecreek, about one thing, the elk will not be wiped out in Wyoming, far too many good people here who will not sit by and let it happen TRUST ME!!

I did not think you were man enough to handle the real hard truth. I figured you would not engage in the real truth and call Mr Wheeldon... Just because you can not find it on a website has no barring of the wolve slaughters authenticity!
Apparently there is a descrepency between wildlife managers, who flew the area recently and the claims made by wolfhunter, about the number of wolf kills in the area of these feedgrounds.

But, of course, we're supposed to believe what wolfhunter says...
>because you can not find
>it on a website has
>no barring of the wolve
>slaughters authenticity!

Or anywhere else for that matter other than your ramblings about how it is the undeniable truth. For gods sake if you have this undeniable proof showing the impending destruction of the Jackson Elk herd please show us.

You still have not said what I am suppose to prove you wrong on.
LAST EDITED ON May-08-14 AT 04:05PM (MST)[p]Ya, the WGF did their winter counts pre slaughter...jm77 Fortunately for all of us that herd can absorb one years heavy predation too. Call Chancy don't take my word for it!!

The important thing now is for the wolf pack in question to be eliminated. Because now that feed ground, to the wolves, is like crack cocaine to a junkie...The killing will not stop until WE stop it.

Why do you think the Daniel pack was eliminated off the WGF Jewett feed ground multiple times??? All different wolves, same story, they had to be eliminated...they were on the crack!! There was not a link to the truth either. Oh, I'll give you one guess if that has happened in the last year or two...? Nope, that feed ground is in the predator zone. You had better thank the people who held to their guns on the predator zone or this would be a more common theme...

LAST EDITED ON May-08-14 AT 04:25PM (MST)[p]Ok wolfhunter, who is the G&F guy I need to call? Don't think I can trust Chancy.
LAST EDITED ON May-08-14 AT 09:16PM (MST)[p]Call Chancy if you want the real account, he is living with the proof out his front door... He saw with his own eyes the blood, the guts and the waste! (307) 733-6390


I can lead you to water but I cannot make you drink...have you made the call???

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