Proposal to TRIPLE Grizzlies in the West

That bunch is as screwed up as PETA and this is probably an attempt to get ahead of the probable delisting of grizzlies in the next year or two. I have to laugh at some of the places mentioned where they would like them. It's funny they never mention any place where 99.9% of those wackos themsleves live!
I don't worry about grizzlies hurting game populations nearly as much as wolves have.

Grizzlies really only prey on game animals for a few weeks a year, other than that they eat carion, insects, and plants... plus they hibernate during the winter months that wolves really have the upper hand.

My biggest hang-up with a propsoed grizzly (re)introduction is that I don't trust the whacko enviro groups as far as I can throw their fat @$$.

Yeah, I don't worry about their impact on big game, either. My big beef is the effect it has on my backcountry enjoyment and safety. Especially, when hunting and backpacking in the backcountry with my kids. Already enough issues to worry about to stay safe, especially with the kids, don't much care to be worrying about grizzlies, too, unless the benefit outweighed the costs. Which, IMO, it most definitely does not.
They must have read the (peer reviewed) study that came to the conclusion that more moose and elk calves are killed by bears than by wolves. Why else would they want more bears?

They are wackos who would rather not have hunting, I guess they forget where the T bone comes from.

?If men were angels, no government would be
necessary.? John Adams
THe petition states that it wants to raise the grizzly population from 1500 to 6000. That would quadruple the number of grizzlies not triple. But who ever thought these enviro whackos could count anyways? I'm not really opposed to it, my only concern would be backcountry safety when I have my children with me.
Having grizzlies in the proposed areas whould be bad for wildlife and the majority of people who enjoy camping in places like the Uinta's. I'm not taking my scouts and younger kids in those proposed areas. I saw a big grizzley hunting in WY last year it was cool. However, we have enough areas for people to see grizzlies, we don't need another predator expanding.

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