Proper Scent Control??


Long Time Member
I saw this video when it came out but now they are claiming it was proper scent control. What a joke. Scent control and camo are nothing more than gimmicks but it's fun to see people try to sell it and see others fall for it. If you're down wind then you can smell as bad as you want and if you don't move then you can wear what you want. They may help but it's not as critical as they want you to believe.

Mr. Zigga,
I completely agree with all above. The only thing that I might add is to stay away from the color blue.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-12-10 AT 03:02PM (MST)[p]this post shows alot of ignorance. apparantly you have never hunted out west, where it is virtually 100% IMPOSSIBLE to be down wind 100% of the time. the wind swirls and changes. all "scent control" can do is help. no it's not fool proof, but only an idiot would think the company was even trying to tell you that it is.
scent control buys you time, maybe the second you need to pull the release, maybe the seconds it takes for the wind to switch again. anyone who says "well just put the wind in your face" is missing ALOT of details.

and as far as not moving, if i hunted over a salt lick/food plot/wallow/ yadda-yadda, i could sit still and "not move" i'm not an eatern bait hunter, i hunt the ground.

again - camo isn't fool proof, and you'd have to be crasy to think it is. you are simply trying to buy time, maybe the 1 second you need to shoot. thats it.

so if you take camo AND scent control, use them for what they are supposed to be used for,they serve their purpose. dont expect them to let you hunt with the wind at your back all day and walk through an open meadow because "your invisible"

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