proof in the pudding



Prophesying of the final hours of this age and of Jerusalem?s central role in God?s dealings with the nations, the prophet declared, ?Thus declares the LORD who stretches out the heavens, lays the foundation of the earth, and forms the spirit of man within him, ?Behold, I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that causes reeling to all the peoples around; and when the siege is against Jerusalem, it will also be against Judah. And it will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it?? Zechariah 12:1-3.

No one can escape the unrelenting purposes of God as they are laid out in His word; neither the nations of the world, nor Israel , nor even the Christian Church. We have called the intercessors? attention in the past to the centrality of Jerusalem in preparing the earth for the Lord?s return, and we are doing so again now as the dynamics surrounding the City of God are ratcheted to unprecedented levels.

Yet many are slumbering, lolled to apathy by the cares of the world, and drowned in ignorance and arrogance as the last chapters of our history are being penned by our own actions and inactions.

In the original Hebrew text, Zechariah?s words in verse 2 actually use a far stronger term than most English translations chose. ?A cup that causes reeling? is in fact ?A cup of poison? in the Hebrew, ?KOS RA-AL,? signifying not merely confusion, drunkenness and staggering about, but rather being fatally intoxicated by venomous poison! Such, the word of God warns, will be the fate of all who meddle with Jerusalem ?s destiny in a manner that grieves the heart of God and opposes the purpose of the Lord.

And yet, blinded and deaf to the warnings of scripture and to the pleading of the Spirit, the powers of this world continue to clamor about Jerusalem in desperate attempts to avert the unavoidable conflict that will soon impact the whole world. Did you know that more UN Security Council resolutions have been crafted concerning Jerusalem and Israel than any other city or nation in the world? Have you noticed how the explosive issue of Jerusalem is rising to center stage in the political maneuvers of the power players?

What started as incremental compromises of land and sovereignty with the traumatic pulling out of Gaza ?s 10,000 Jewish residents, is now looming over the strategic region of Judea and Samaria ( West Bank ) as Israel ?s government indicates its willingness to continue on the road of ?land for peace.? Never mind the fact that land giveaways in the Middle East have not once yielded anything resembling peace.

As the mountainous heart of Judea and Samaria is already being divided and handed over to Israel ?s enemies behind closed doors, Jerusalem will no doubt be next on the chopping block.
?A cup that causes reeling?
Is that a pudding cup?

I like pudding. Especially tapioca... or bread pudding... or chocolate... mmmmm.... pudding.
hey jokers look you fullfilled bible prophecy...your famous...hah!

St. Jude 1: verse 17: Dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ told you to expect, "In the last days there will be mockers, following after their own ungodly lusts."
I am ready for the lords return and I wish for it to happen tomarrow. His kingdom awaits, what love, what joy.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
>Cool, my dad always said no
>one was totally useless. One
>can always be used as
>a bad example.


hey 202typ, amen, i just hope he has muleys in his new kingdom...LOL
"hey 202typ, amen, i just hope he has muleys in his new kingdom...LOL"

Thats what I'm talkin about.................massive massive 200 inch plus bucks with cheaters all over and nothing under 40 inches. And a special place for hunters only...............

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
>hey jokers look you fullfilled bible
>prophecy...your famous...hah!
>St. Jude 1: verse 17: Dear
>friends, remember what the apostles
>of our Lord Jesus Christ
>told you to expect, "In
>the last days there will
>be mockers, following after their
>own ungodly lusts."


I'd like to add "what is right is wrong, what is wrong is right"

wake up - wake up- how long have you been asleep!

seems to be my favorite song these days.......
Manny it is a good song if you knew how to sing it! I think you do more harm for the gospel than helping it! Someone needs to be up front with you, so do not get so easily offended by this post.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-24-07 AT 05:00PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-24-07 AT 04:59?PM (MST)

>Manny it is a good song
>if you knew how to
>sing it! I think
>you do more harm for
>the gospel than helping it!
> Someone needs to be
>up front with you, so
>do not get so easily
>offended by this post.

all I do is state facts, and post scripture, if this is harm then you are a reprobate, or should I be silent as you about faith.

you say don't get offended, well with the knife in your back that is...?....

I've seen many a so called christian argue over how its done, and thats what the Devil enjoys most christians scrobbling.

2Corintians 13:5 Examine yourselves, see whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?

websters dictionary = reprobates: to condemn strongly as unworthy, unacceptable, or evil
>Manny it is a good song
>if you knew how to
>sing it! I think
>you do more harm for
>the gospel than helping it!
> Someone needs to be
>up front with you, so
>do not get so easily
>offended by this post.

What are you thinking? If not Manny then no one here should ever quote scripture.

I'd prefer to live a little longer so my kids have a chance to grow up and see the world as it now stands, it's a wonderful place, this is heaven, how could it get any better, or why chance it. . .? I'm surprised by the number of people who just will believe that life after death is much better but when given real, hard facts, they choose to ignore them. . . Hum . . . I'm not against believers, in fact I'm a believer in my own faith, but I surely dont want the world to end tomorrow, that would be silly in my view. . . Lets live the best life we can and leave this place in better shape for those who will come after us. I'd sure rather put my eggs in that basket than hope when it's all over I get to hunt in heaven. . . Hell boyzzzzzzz I'm living in heaven right now!!!

Amen. . .
T' you must be living in Gods little corner of the world to have it so good, but we have no idea how much better its gonna be in the next life with Jesus as head honcho...

I'm asuming it'll be alot fairer place to be, with less crap to deal with, anyways I'm a huntin nut so he's gotta have some thing for us hunt'n nuts....
I'm sure there'll be a lot of shootin' and killin' in heaven. errr wait... something just don't seem right about that. Ya know, Esau was the mighty hunter in the old testament. Traded his birth right for a bowl of soup after being gone hunting or some such thing if I remember correctly. And he sorta got written out in the sequel. Jesus wasn't exactly known as a big game hunter. He fished a little but I'm not sure it was strictly legal. Have to get an MM ethics police decision on that one:) So I wouldn't ass-u-me too much about hunting in heaven. Purty sure Jesus may have been a democrat. :)

Man I feel kinda weird because I actually agree with TFinal. Is that OK? :)

And what's with all this seriousness? I thought this was about puddin'. Wait, maybe Esau traded his birth right for a bowl of pudding. That would make more sense.

Manny, please don't take ANYTHING I say on this subject too seriously. I absolutely respect your devotion to your faith and would defend your right to it. Just don't push it too hard. And let's not end this world too soon. I'm going sheep hunting next month. :)
>I'm sure there'll be a lot
>of shootin' and killin' in
>heaven. errr wait... something just
>don't seem right about that.
>Ya know, Esau was the
>mighty hunter in the old
>testament. Traded his birth right
>for a bowl of soup
>after being gone hunting or
>some such thing if I
>remember correctly. And he sorta
>got written out in the
>sequel. Jesus wasn't exactly known
>as a big game hunter.
>He fished a little but
>I'm not sure it was
>strictly legal. Have to get
>an MM ethics police decision
>on that one:) So I
>wouldn't ass-u-me too much about
>hunting in heaven. Purty sure
>Jesus may have been a
>democrat. :)
>Man I feel kinda weird because
>I actually agree with TFinal.
>Is that OK? :)
>And what's with all this seriousness?
>I thought this was about
>puddin'. Wait, maybe Esau traded
>his birth right for a
>bowl of pudding. That would
>make more sense.
>Manny, please don't take ANYTHING I
>say on this subject too
>seriously. I absolutely respect your
>devotion to your faith and
>would defend your right to
>it. Just don't push it
>too hard. And let's not
>end this world too soon.
>I'm going sheep hunting next
>month. :)

well good luck on your sheep hunt you lucky devil, pun intended...LOL

by the way never said kill a muley in heaven just something for us to do along that line...
That ain't right, right there! I don't even KNOW any Jews.....much less messed with any of them. why would they want to harm me?

That's why I don't do the formal religious thing...."if you don't believe in the same thing I do, you are damned"....Half the world thinks that their religion is right and the other half thinks that they have it all covered....

Sorry, this is all there is and you better make the most of it right now.

"Enjoy and treasure ye, the seasons of your years, as they are sorely few and wilst never come again."....Nickman 10/07
Yea, who ever thought that because a guy wants to live as a mortal that he'd be called a devil. . . So, now, who are the radicals?
Manny, I never have a problem with you posting scriptures. Spent most of my life reading them. Love it! However, what I know is wrong is when someone replys to you in a way you do not like, you seem to bash them (i.e. post #3 "hey jokers look you fullfilled bible prophecy...your famous...hah!). I have noticed this is your typical type of response. Time after time I have noticed this seems to be a turn off for some people, and hence leading them away from what I think you have intended, and better yet what God has intended!. You often throw back scriptures as a defense to hide your evil responses. Jesus had to deal with people like you in His earthly days too. I could easily just say you have proved God right Manny (i.e. your ways are not God's ways). Why not take the scripture you posted (i.e. examine yourself and see if ye be in the faith) and try it yourself. Maybe you will finally get saved, because right now it seems you are doing more of the devil's bidding. Don't you know God has chosen the foolishness of this world to spread his gospel. The mysteries of God are not for the unsaved, but will be shown to those who believe. So when someone has a difference or do not understand scriptures, then show them the realities of Christ, if in fact He really resides in you! Oh yeah, sorry there is not going to be any hunting for critters in Heaven, as animals will not be there, they have no soul, that is exclusive for mankind. As for the end of the world as we know it, I think that too is coming sooner than we think. Wake up calls are good and I will agree with you that most Christians live a life of slumber, especially in the United States. If Christians really knew the "value" of God's Kingdom, then they would be doing things differently. My final sentence on this is Manny, when you make your responses are you really in "God's will" or Manny's will? Hope you find the truth Manny because it will finally set you free!
Where did the wholly rollers go? Oh, I know, they went hunting, or, ahhhhhhh, no i'm pretty sure they're still alive so maybe they're waiting to go hunting . . .

To each their own, but if youre going to profess your great admiration for GOD, for Gods sake, please dont call a common man that happens to not follow your beliefs a devil.

I'm going hunting. . . See-yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. . . .

"Roadless areas, in general, represent some of the best fish and wildlife habitat on public lands. The bad news is that there is nothing positive about a road where fish and wildlife habitat are concerned -- absolutely nothing." (B&C Professor, Jack Ward Thomas, Fair Chase, Fall 2005, p.10).
LAST EDITED ON Oct-26-07 AT 07:54PM (MST)[p]>Where did the wholly rollers go?
> Oh, I know, they
>went hunting, or, ahhhhhhh, no
>i'm pretty sure they're still
>alive so maybe they're waiting
>to go hunting . .
>To each their own, but if
>youre going to profess your
>great admiration for GOD, for
>Gods sake, please dont call
>a common man that happens
>to not follow your beliefs
>a devil.
>I'm going hunting. . . See-yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
>. . .
>"Roadless areas, in general, represent some
>of the best fish and
>wildlife habitat on public lands.
> The bad news is
>that there is nothing positive
>about a road where fish
>and wildlife habitat are concerned
>-- absolutely nothing." (B&C
>Professor, Jack Ward Thomas, Fair
>Chase, Fall 2005, p.10).

leave it to a mere mortal, to take things the wrong way, it was a joke get over it already...

I have a new name, same as you too, holly roller. Somehow they think a complement is an insult.
Better to die once than be dead forever.

>I have a new name, same
>as you too, holly roller.
>Somehow they think a complement
>is an insult.
>Better to die once than be
>dead forever.

LOL...Better to die once than be dead forever...awesome
The whole thing seems dreamed up for quitters to me, what's so bad about this life? give me a break, if your life is so bad then get up and fix it don't just sit on your butt waiting for a better one. the only people who have the right to quit are those with non curable physical ailments, I feel for them. no wonder the far right doesn't care about the environment or running the debt out of sight, they figure in a few years it won't matter because they'll be floating on a cloud. sad.

In my opinion this is the only world there is so make the best of it, it's not that bad. I'll take my chances right here in reality thank you.

Where's the proof and where's my pudding? now I'm in the mood for some, I think there's some chocolate snack packs left in the trailer .
I'd rather live life as if there was a God and find out that there isn't, than to live life as if there was no God and find out that there thinks huntdude is going to have a wake up call on the otherside...Oh wait there is no other other world.
Yeah, I'm not too worried. sad part is there won't be any way for me to say I told you so.
Yeah I do, but it's not until the end of next month . the chuckar hunting sucks this year so I might spend more time on the GTO and snowmobling and teaching you the wisdom of the world. don't fear, unless I get banned I'll be here for you quite a bit.
> Yeah, I'm not too worried.
>sad part is there won't
>be any way for me
>to say I told you

Native Americans, some that is if not all believed in an afterlife. You never heard of the happy hunting grounds?
Better to die once than to be dead forever. If this statement makes you angry thats a start.

My grandfather used to talk of becoming a raven when he died, I never let on but I didn't believe him either. logic will over ride emotion if you let it, but I will admit I haven't shot a raven since he died 20 years ago.
..........Hello .....I was a jackrabbit in West Texas in my first life. I am NOW in the Happy Hunting Ground, I seriously don't believe it gets better than this.

I guess if I'm wrong, I'll end up in some place with 500" bulls and 250" muleys.....and they won't give me any bullets.....Hell for sure!

I see that you actually agree there is a hell.
"I guess if I'm wrong, I'll end up in some place with 500" bulls and 250" muleys.....and they won't give me any bullets.....Hell for sure!"


I have always noticed big ole muleys always had an escape plan, I've done no different, people who don't wanna belive in God are people who don't like rules & do's and don't's.

but if you had a kid and you knew there was a rattlesnake den near your home you would restrict him from going near it?

much the same here buddy"
We have a rattlesnake den on the ranch, when we were kids we used to catch them all the time and skin the booners.

I guess I just live dangerous.
>We have a rattlesnake den on
>the ranch, when we were
>kids we used to catch
>them all the time and
>skin the booners.
> I guess I just live

Yah; your playing with eternity Bro-

(P.S) I did the same when I was in high school, I had to walk home from school, up my road was a fat rattler who use sit on the side of the road everyday he'd slip away just as I got close, but one day I got stealth and was able to grab his tail before he disappeared into his hole, I pulled him back out & as soon as I saw the girth get narrower, I just cut him in half?

but I'm older now & I'm smarter than that these days?
"Native Americans, some that is if not all believed in an afterlife. You never heard of the happy hunting grounds?
Better to die once than to be dead forever. If this statement makes you angry thats a start."

An afterlife and God/heaven are two VERY VERY DIFFERENT things!

One is protective of the land for in the future they will need it to survive the afterlife, the other is all about getting through the gates. . . not even a single parallel. . .
T, you're correct, the earth and it's creatures are sacred to what most call "primitive cultures" beleifs. most common religions feel the earth is just a stepping stone on the path to heaven.

Another intersting thing in what little I know about native American religion, if you want to call it that, is there is no penalty for not believing. I think most did believe but there was no boogeyman to torch them at the end if they didn't. all in all if I were to go religious Wakantanka seems like a more caring and forgiving spirit than the popular religions to me. but according to Manny if I worship the great spirit and Christ really is the one and only, I'm a crispy critter. what if Wakantanka is the real spirit? Manny is in, doesn't seem fair does it?

I don't like anyone who uses scare tactics, it's a sign of weakness. kind religions without threats seem more powerful to me.
>"Native Americans, some that is if
>not all believed in an
>afterlife. You never heard of
>the happy hunting grounds?
>Better to die once than to
>be dead forever. If this
>statement makes you angry thats
>a start."
>An afterlife and God/heaven are two
>One is protective of the land
>for in the future they
>will need it to survive
>the afterlife, the other is
>all about getting through the
>gates. . . not
>even a single parallel. .

Not even afterlife?
LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-07 AT 03:37PM (MST)[p]Dude...just read the Bible. Spoiler alert though....

LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-07 AT 03:47PM (MST)[p]> T, you're correct, the earth
>and it's creatures are sacred
>to what most call
>"primitive cultures" beleifs. most common
>religions feel the earth is
>just a stepping stone on
>the path to heaven.
> Another intersting thing in what
>little I know about native
>American religion, if you want
>to call it that, is
>there is no penalty for
>not believing. I think most
>did believe but there was
>no boogeyman to torch them
>at the end if they
>didn't. all in all if
>I were to go religious
>Wakantanka seems like a more
>caring and forgiving spirit than
>the popular religions to me.
>but according to Manny if
>I worship the great spirit
>and Christ really is the
>one and only, I'm a
>crispy critter. what if Wakantanka
>is the real spirit? Manny
>is in, doesn't seem fair
>does it?
> I don't like anyone who
>uses scare tactics, it's a
>sign of weakness. kind religions
>without threats seem more powerful
>to me.

Is a religion that condones beheading bound men a good or bad religion?

Dude sent you a Pm.
>AT 03:37?PM (MST)

>Dude...just read the Bible. Spoiler
>alert though....

!Hey you're right he did die, but keep reading he conquered death and rose from the dead so we don't have to experience real death - separation from GOD!!!!!!!!!!!

John 8:44 the devil, was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

2Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them

sad part is many a people still are believing his (Satan)lies
Don't all you people realize how many wars have been fought over religion? My hell we're in one now with the middle east!

C'mon.....let's just go huntin...this is a huntin site, not sunday school!!

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"

Wars are fought for many reasons. Mostly bad ones. I see your point about this site being for hunting... but it is the campfire section. Just pretend we are the out of town relatives you have to put up with once in awhile. For this I promise not to talk religion often.
And for me I'm out the door this thursday for a marlin fishing trip.

No problem ransom, it wasn't really meant to sound harsh or direct.

It's just the "peacekeeper" in me that comes out from time to time and i hate to see all my fellow MM'ers argure over something as endless as religion arguments.

can't we aregue about global warming or something?? :)

Good luck catching sailfish, i expect pictures!!
Be safe!!;-)

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
Come on Manny...can't ya just let me have a LITTLE fun? Scoot over, Dude and save me a seat in hell next to ya, would ya? lol
I'm more than likely headed to the hot beds myself when i pass, but i'll tell ya what.....i'm somewhat excited because there's going to be a whole lot of really kool people there with me!!

Especially if huntindude's right about the bikini's.
Sounds like heaven to me!!!;-)

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
You-all are gonna be so danged shocked when you die 'an find out this is all an alien experiment... like a kid's ant farm on a large scale.

Any-whoo... the title reminds me of my dear old uncle... 'an his 100 proof pudding.
MMMmmMmmmm.... Everclear 'an choclate! The treat that keeps on giving!

slamdunk, just think about it, just where do you think all the bad girls are going to end up? who's to say they'll even wear bikinis?

Sounds like more fun than sitting on a cloud with a bunch of goody two shoes telling you dull stories.

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