

Very Active Member
Are there MM Pronghorn Antelope Hunters out there? If so, where do you think the best state is?

I've bowhunted them before. They're "fun in the sun" in my book. I guess it depends on what you're after to determine the best state. (quality or quantity)

I think in terms of trophy quality, AZ & NM has a high ratio of book bucks taken, but also a lot of private property where they live. It amazes me every year the trophy quality in those states. As a result, they also have low odds of being drawn in good units.

For sheer antelope numbers on public land no state can touch Wyoming in my opinion. They also produce book bucks every year, especially in the Red Desert. The other thing I like is not a lot of bowhunters hunt here. You'll have good public areas to yourself.

Montana & Colorado also have decent numbers of antelope. Some on public land and even more on private. Never hunted them there though.

Of course Northern CA and parts of NV also have some decent antelope hunting. However, you're probably better off winning the lotto and buying a landowner tag than getting drawn in the regular draw.

So what's all this mean? Well, in my opinion, the best overall state would have to be Wyoming. Good population, lots of land, and trophy potential. Good luck and have fun.

BOHNTR )))---------->
LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-05 AT 11:11AM (MST)[p]Ditto, BOHNTR is right on with his info. Good luck. Ed F

Co DIY public land ground blind

Ca DIY private land spot and stalk

Wy Outfitted private land tree stand!

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