Pronghorn Video


Long Time Member
I've been looking at pronghorn videos in preparation for a hunt this year. They're so hard to field judge! Watch it until the end. 96+ gross score. Had me fooled! I may never figure this score thing out:)

They are tough to score but that one sure looks big all the way around! And if what he said is right 9 inch prongs!!! Heck of a buck for sure.
Good luck on your hunt, they are fun critters to chase, I'll be back in Wyoming again this year looking for one:)
The Grimmett bros are some pronghorn hunting gurus.
I've seen a couple of their short vids, Impressive.
They have a field scoring vidoe out and I'm trying to track one down. I got a lead from LBH but have yet to secure one.
Good luck Eel.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-02-14 AT 01:14PM (MST)[p]Our website has the DVDs for sale.

Also, they were a little optimistic in scoring that buck on the video. It scored 90-4/8 gross. Was 16-3/8 long with a 7-5/8 long prong (6-6/8 on the short side). Still a giant buck, but a long ways from 96".
EELGRASS....Steve bought the video from Eli a number years ago when I got hooked on hunting these critters. If you want, I can send it up to you to view, just remember I know where you live..LOL

Another + on the Grimmett video.
If you trying to figure out pronghorn score, they have it figured out and share those tips in the video.

Nothing better than "ground swell" when you walk up on an animal!
I have both DVD's and they are very good.

The first DVD details the field judging/scoring system they use with the anatomical references (i.e. eyes, ears, etc.) they use to get their lengths and circumferences. I like it better than Mike Eastman's 4x7 system because they show you in the DVD step-by-step how to actually estimate the circumference measurements. I understand what makes up the 4x7 system and Eastman's book provides some references for determining horn length (compare to 6" ear length) and prong length (visualize prong compared to hand length from base to tip of middle finger) but there aren't any references for determining the base and 1st quarter (7" goal) circumference measurements and the 2nd and 3rd quarter (7" sum total) mass measurements to make it a complete field judging system IMO.

The second DVD shows some of their past hunts for some huge bucks. I really like Eli's commentary on the hunts that you can listen to that really gives you the outfitter's perspective and interesting tidbits on the individual hunts. Very cool.

I am still not very good at field judging these animals but am always trying to learn. Hoping the Grimmett's are releasing their 3rd DVD soon!

They might be able to tell you if its a good goat on the hoof but how the hell do you get 6" extra with the dam tape in your hand LMFAO!

I got my hands on a VHS, copy thanks to Dr_hunter and LBH, BUT I went ahead and ordered a copy on DVD for myself.
Thanks Eli for the link.
Thank you all for the input. I think my biggest problem is the excitement that takes over when I'm hunting. I need to slow down and really look and think rationally at what I'm seeing. I know what to look for, I just have to make myself do it. I'll have plenty of time this year, so that should help.

Good luck to all of you too.

Update: I just received my DVD from the Grimmets. Prompt service, excellent and informative product and anyone hunting pronghorn should own one.

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