Pronghorn Stud


Very Active Member
Hey as you can see I am a writer and am just finishing the story. I will post when I fiqure out where it is published. Well I green score this guy at 84 1/2 with only 2/8th deduction and he from what I can see alomst perfectly symetrical and really is a beautiful animal....big bodied....great markings.....and most of all a great hunt. watched him or four days and then got him in the afternnon of opening day.

He carrys the mass better than it look from the can see it better from the front as the top section if sort of oval inch bases and horns just a smidge short of 16 1/2. The prongs sit low giving him a long look I think really adds to his appeal.
I give up I have been jacking around resizing pictures....cutting and pasting addresses in messages for an hour....what happened to attaching and post??????? and still no pictures
adventure pm sent

"blaming guns for violence is like blaming spoons for Rosie O'donnell being fat."
LAST EDITED ON Nov-10-09 AT 01:03AM (MST)[p]

If you need to email them to someone to post, let me know. It look's like you had it uploaded, you just needed to cut/paste the link provided.

p.s,I hope you have some good editors ;-)
here is adventures buck. Outstanding goat and great photo's


"blaming guns for violence is like blaming spoons for Rosie O'donnell being fat."
That buck is the real deal. I really like the length up top. Very unique--makes him look super long.
My Taxidermsit is an award winner (amazing artist Antelope are one of his specialties) and a freind of mine. I should have the mount back in Decemeber, so excited to get it back so soon. I chose the right turn wall pedestal mount on a form that shows a little extra shoulder and side but still has him looking striaght out chin up. Just finishing up the story, "Showdown with Black Bart", a while back a buddy of mine and I started joking about finding the outlaw, Black know a play on the Bucks blacks masks and it sort of stuck. I also do bronze sculptures and I am planning on doing one of this guy.

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