pronghorn score thoughts


Very Active Member
Scouting pics from last weekend. What are you thoughts on score on this buck? His prongs were in the 5 inch range but thought he looks really heavy. The 2nd one isn't a shooter for me but a cool pic.


LAST EDITED ON Jul-17-12 AT 09:22PM (MST)[p]That first buck is not long and you can't see his cutters at all from straight on, but his mass is unreal all the way to the tips. If his cutters are as you say, he might hit or break 80" because mass is the big thing that makes or brakes a pronghorn's score.
This is the only pic I have of him. I wish I had a side pic. He has more mass above his prongs than I've seen on any other antelope. I'm thinking probably around 14" on the length.
I know I've never seen a goat live or in a photo that's as heavy all the way to the tips as this one! I also think your length guess is pretty close.
What state? I live in Oregon hunted Oregon,Nevada 5 1/2 to 6" inch ears. Hard to see eye comparded to his horn to compare mass, that being said I agree with topgun 80 ish. JB
My son killed one very much like that last fall that ended up going 85". Heart shaped horns sometimes hides length. My son's ended up being 16" long but I would have never believed it without putting a tape on it. I don't know that your goat is 16, but he may be bigger than 14. Mass is King when scoring antelope! I would guess he is 80+. Very nice.

Its the girth that matters and this buck has it. But even with his thickness he will fall a little short of 80". Cool buck though and definately worthy of a long stare. I'd still shoot him though just because of his character.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
This is a CO unit. My 12 year old son and I both have tags for this unit so I'm thinking this guy might be a good goat for my sons first hunt and I will hold out for a buck I saw last year that should go mid 80s. I might eat tag soup but I'm concentrating more on my son getting his first big game animal.
I wish I had a side view. Why don't they EVER give us the pose we NEED??

I think he's got more mass up top than he has at the bases. Bases look a little thin up front and tend to 'fatten' up at the back which I believe means he's light down low. Gut check (after the wow from looking at his tops first) tells me he's a 77 type buck..........

Length = 13.75
D1= 6.75
D2= 6.5
D3= 3.75
D4= 3
Prong= 5

Total = 38.75
x2 = 77.5 (nets are for fish!)

x1000 for putting your tag on hold while you take your kid out into the hills for some 'real-life' lessons that will never be learned out of some book.

I love the slogan: "hunt with your kids now so you don't have to hunt for them later".
I hope you BOTH find the bucks you're looking for.

- Cade
Thanks for your thoughts. I was putting him in the 79-80" range. Prong-hunter I think you are definately WAY low in your score. A heavy buck always looks shorter. He's in the 13-14 length wise. He'll be a great buck for my sons first.
Nice goat.
My guess would be 77-80, most likly 78.5. If he has 5 inch prongs. He has a mature body. If he has 6.5 to 7 inch ears he should be close to 14 inches. Let us know if your boy gets him. Good luck.
I agree with you marley. He's way low on his guestimate of this buck in both length and total score. I hope I see one like that this year, as I sure won't wait for a 16 incher if I do! That is one heavy rascal with some real character and I hope your son can wack him and get the actual measurements for us.
All that matters is that you like him. Your son will LOVE him regardless of score.

If you put him on the ground and get him officially measured, let us know.

Good hunting.

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