Processing game??


Very Active Member
How many of you process your own game? Do you do it at home or in the field? My hunting partners and I for the last several years have processed our own Elk and deer at camp if time is permitted. We have a generator and bring up the freezer bag seal-a-meals machine. We used to bring up freezer paper and tape. We debone everything, cut up our steaks and stew meats and any of the scrap meat we seal in a bag and grind it when we get home for burger. We ice it all down real good in 150 quart or bigger coolers then when we get home it goes straight from the cooler to the freezer. All the bones are left for the ravens, coyotes, and turkey buzzards. Anyone else do their own in the field or at home? Sure saves a hunk of money and when done at camp there's no mess at home.

We do our own. debone it at the kill site (don't like to pack out something I can't eat), then do the rest of the cutting and cleaning at home. If it's cold I do it on the dining room table(yes I'm married), if it's nice out I'll do it in the garage.

I cut it up into burger, steaks, roast, stew meat and jerky. Possibly will start sausage meats this fall???


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
Does anyone do their complete processing/ packaging out in the field?

Mntman,Im married too and the wife don't mind if I process it at home, (wish she would let me do my cows!) I just prefer to do it out in the field and leave the bones and scrap on them in there rather than having to throw them in my garbage can.

I have always taken it to a meat cutter. however the last couple years I have started experimenting cutting it up on my own. I think it is worth every second, the steaks are always better and I am able to age it for a few days if the weather will cooperate.

That John Denver is full of $#!t man
Ive Processed the meat in camp and also at home... Im just wondering if its lawfull to process at camp???? evidence of sex and so forth?????
What would be the difference of processing it at home, at your butcher, or in the field? Can you prove sex to or from any of those locations? Most likely you would be able to prove sex at camp much easier. For one thing you'd have the horns with you if it were a bull and location of kill for either sex. How about getting it mounted? Tag goes with the antlers to the taxi?what about the meat when at the same time it goes to the butcher?

In most places evidence of sex only has to be with it until it is butchered. So if you butcher it in the field, you no longer need evidence of sex.
GBA, most wives, especially my friends wives don't like animals being cut up on their table, that's why I mentioned that.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
The Taxi writes the tag # down, the tag must remain with the meat until it is consumed in most cases... thats why they return the tag when you pick up the processed meat at the butcher shop. so you can keep it in the freezer with the meat...
I was raised on a ranch. I can butcher as well as most meat houses.....just not nearly as fast.

My wife has no problem, as long as she isn't left with the cleanup.

Meat needs to be aged, in my opinion.

Even on horseback trips, we try to hang game at least 3 days, depending on the weather.

Everybody has their own opinion, but I believe that aged meat is by far, more tender, tastes better and cooks cleaner.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-28-10 AT 04:58PM (MST)[p]Better do it at home, if you're in Idaho. Key word is FINAL.

"Deer, elk and pronghorn: If the head or antlers are
removed, evidence of sex in the form of testicles, penis,
scrotum, udder or vulva must remain naturally attached
to the carcass or parts thereof on all harvested big game
animals until they reach the final place of storage or personal
consumption, or a commercial meat processing facility".

We do it right in the kitchen, where we can drink beer and watch Monday night football. I cut, she wraps and puts them in the freezer, and we're done and cleaned up before the game ends.

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