probs with yahoo?



any body out there in puter land having probs with yahoo?

i haven't been ale to log on in days?
Yep.. someone hacked in and started using my user name to buy crap on Ebay.

I found out after I had the same problem and had to request anouther password and never recieved it at my alternate email address, after 2 days I contacted Yahoo and got one.

I went to my account, closed it, and opened anouther account.

real pain to have to go everywhere online and change my address on numerous sites like MM, Bowsite,NAHC,Cabela's, Gander Mtn,ect ect ect.

You have to get anouther password from Yahoo to get back in, my spam went from <10 a day to >400 also.

close it and start again.
i've noticed some unfamiliar charges on my bank statement, $1.00 ebay with drawl and 2 $6.00 from portland Or.
Awe crap. The same thing happened to me. I haven't been able to log in for a few weeks. I only used it for on-line forums. (including this one)..and e-bay... I contacted yahoo and they will not help. I created the account close to 10 years ago with a bogus alternate e-mail and I cannot remember the answer to my secret question...

I asked them to delete the account and they will not without being able to verify that I am the owner.

Soooo, what do I do now ?

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