problems using golf club case for guns flying?


Very Active Member
I did this once and very nearly missed an important flight. Assuming it is locked correctly has anyone had an issue with using a golf club case to transport firearms? both wit airlines and TSA. If you had an issue how long ago was it?
I haven't but seen a couple guys flying with one this fall on Alaska Air, they had 4 rifles in it. They said they had no issues flying (airline or TSA).


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
I can't for the life of me figure out why a person would even risk it. Just to save a couple hundred $? If you are flying to hunt you already have serious coin invested. Why try to bypass a gun case? My experience is the more you deviate from the norm with airline rules and regs the more likely you are to have problems. Buy a good, airline approved gun case once and it will last you the rest of your life, your kids life, their kids life, etc.
A couple hundred is a 30% increase in the total cost of this hunt. I do agree out of norm is risky. That said I am 100% sure you can do it - but most airline employees have no clue. I have several good approved cases - but we want to take 3 guns plus we can fit a TON of clothes in there, leaving room in other checked bag for when we fly home with meat.
Talked to some friends that flew with Golf cases last year from Seattle, No problems at all.
They did the same thing pack it full clothes and gear.
pretty smart thinking.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
I can only Imagine the Little PRICK from Alaskan Air that found the Water Bottle in My Pocket finding some Guns in a Golf Club Case!

He Shined His F'N Badge over that Bottle of Water!

Can't Imagine......................!

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
Does this mean some of you guys actually OWN a golf club case???? WTF??? Do you own white golf shoes and pants and a visor too? Imagine the things that would run thru an outfitters mind when you show up to load your gear onto a bush plane in Alaska or somewhere.

:) just kidding... well mostly
Hey NVB!

You Know I'm No Golfer!

But it wouldn't be hard to catch people trying to pull off the Stunt!

Just Look for the 'Camo' Golf Club Cases!:D

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
I'm with above Poster!

Can't Imagine Risking it to be Dealing With Federal Law Enforcement!

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
I do 100% agree with you guys - ironic I did once have a HUGE problem using one, and, despite getting there 3 hours early 9 years ago literally barely made my first of 4 flights - 1 more minute and I would have missed it.

I swore I would never do it again..............

Has anyone ever been hit with a weight limit on guns?
I have been charged for excess size limit once. I personally wouldn't risk using a golf club bag to travel with guns because it only takes one jackass to misinterpret the rules. I travel a lot with guns and have seen crazy ##### happen a couple of times. Yes, it's rare, but not worth the risk.
Most double rifle cases are over the size limit for checked bags on airplanes. But I have probably flown ten times and have never been asked to pay extra for my rifle case. But it could happen next time.

If the size limit is 62 inches remember that is the length plus width plus thickness.

I am usually under on weight. The weight of the case, two rifles and some ammo is always under the 50 lb limit for a checked bag.

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