Pro Sports Fans.......Why??



LAST EDITED ON Feb-08-11 AT 09:58PM (MST)[p]We have the Kobe's and the Michael Vicks and the Ben's who are everything except law-abiding, standup American citizens. They are in the headlines in the national press everyday. Not to mention OJ........twice. Plus the other numerous rapists, wife-beaters, druggies, robbers, fan-punchers, and all-around hoodlums..........WHO MAKE MONSTROUS SALARIES while leading our children (and too many adults) by example. Greeeeat terrific stuff. First class.........right up there with the performances of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington.

Vile, obscene sports fans. Why in the world do you all support this? How can you not see thru all of this? Why don't you all try leading America by example??

And now......we have the Super Bowl.......the world record American tradition, right? Hyped to the max, all in the name of $$$ to be gained by giving America just exactly what they believe the viewers want.

And also now......entertainers at the Super Bowl include cheap, mindless, crack-head skanks that offer nothing other than T & A plus a pretty face. So much for the terrific musical artists such as Petty and Springsteen. We now have entertainers that reflect the players!!! WoooooHooooo.

There is some optimism here. Looks to me like this might be the breaking point......cuz of sooooo many negative comments about the entertainment. Because of this, I think the terrific selection of entertainment has FINALLY drilled into the minds of pro-sports fans that the money makers in that business view the fans in the very same way as they do the players and their equally matched entertainers. Gotta love being treated first-rate, don't you?

So, what took you sports fans soooooo long to see this??
Holy hell man! Take a deep breath and calm down. Sounds like you just need a major gripe session but of all the things to b)tch about on here you're gonna choose SPORTS??? Really? As your name implies I'm gonna go ahead and assume you've had a few and I'll just use this opportunity to give you a couple other topics that are more frequently discussed(b]tched about) here and where you may locate them. That way you'll be more on track..

1. Utah (anything about it) - The general forum
2. SFW, legalized gambling, and Mossback - The Elk Forum
3. How everyone on here could do a much better job than the DWR - The mule deer forum
4. How bow hunters are better - The Archery forum
5. How bow hunters and rifle hunters suck - The muzzie forum
6. To go in January or not to... - Shed hunters forum

These are just a few to get you started, hope they help.

Oh yea, I really enjoy sports!

Its lonely at the top.... just the way I like it.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-08-11 AT 11:41PM (MST)[p]I love it when people always crack on the athletes and how much bank they have. Hey Whiskey, ever go to the movies? Are you aware top-rated actors/actresses make 10 - 20 MILLION dollars per picture???? Turn on the tube or radio and hear about how some of them cheat on their spouses, get hooked on crank, break the law??

All the captains of industry (no matter their throwing a pass, singing a song, hitting a ball, predicting bond futures, turning over real estate,) make mad bank. They deserve it! I'm not crazy about it how much they make because it's driving me out of the seats. I can't really afford to take my wife and 4 kids to an NHL game because of the ticket prices, parking, peanuts, dogs and's getting out of hand. And from the looks of it, the hunting industry is headed this way elitist sport, targeting the idle rich.

come on guys pitchers and catchers will report to spring training soon , go braves !!!!!

i am a fantasy football junky but kinda hope the greeedy players and owners lock out. i thought the 87' i believe year with the scrub players was cool. heck i would play for my salary, which would be like catching 3 balls to ochocinco. i could run the forty in 4.8...downhill with somebody holding a beer and a oxygen tank at the finish line
Whiskeyman YOU ARE DEAD RIGHT!!! I hate professional sports for all the reasons you stated. I will never go to another pro sport game again. Collage sports aren't to far behind either. Great points, thank you.
WM I agree with you on many fronts. Back about 1995 or so my wife and I were at a Houston Rockets game and Charles Barkley was playing for them then. I can't remember exactly what he was doing but he was just generally acting an azz. He had been with the Rockets about a year or so and was making many millions a year. I did not like him.

It suddenly then and there became real to me that 1)all I was doing was rooting for uniform and 2)I was getting emotionally invested in a bunch of millionaires who could give a crap whether I lived or died. Right then and there I vowed to quit wasting my thoughts on and worrying about any pro sports team. I am still a casual fan and go to an occasional game with my kids and enjoy the teams I like having success but I no longer worry about it much one way or another. As someone said,college is just about as bad now too. It's just all out of whack and general sorriness is tolerated in the name of greed. There is just too much money involved now for it to be anything close to just pure athletic competition.
Wooooa Whiskey, it's not too late to change your handle and get checked in to your local AA. Let's not support any gas stations, food establishments, bars, grecery stores, etc. There may be a cheater, skank, crack head, rapist, millionaire that owns one of those too! You just convinced me to cancel my cell phones, direct tv, and netflix! I gotta keep my interweb so I can keep up on all the skanks and crack heads here on MM though! lmfao!

Traditional >>>------->
I agree that the halftime entertaiment sucked...but...there were just as many people crying over how "old and out-dated" the entertainment was when Petty and Springsteen played the show as there are about the Black Eyed Peas! Can't ever make everyone happy!

As far as athletes being great role models...haha...I agree with your opinion. They sure get paid a bunch to be criminals and all around low-lifes.

Even Kobe Z...the black mamba really is a snake!! :)
Wow, sounds like you are the guy that got picked last or not picked at all.
If you don't like ESPN change the channel, You sound more like a lifetime guy.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-11 AT 11:48PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-11 AT 11:42?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-11 AT 11:38?PM (MST)

No loser here........just a pissed off and tired man disappointed in Americans priorities and narrow-mindedness in life. Didn't get picked last, either. And yep, movie stars are pretty much hoodlums and druggies too making $20M per movie. Equally sickening as the jocks. But I'm after the pro athletes in this message.......not everyone who is just as sorry-ass.

My trophies are made by nature, not by man, and I'm pretty satisfied with them. No envy here......just intelligence, perceptiveness, and I've never raped another or promoted dog fights or broken a law to take them. And I don't have a rap sheet, either. I stayed out of trouble and earned mine by hard work......the American way.

Since we're on the subject of pro athletes and what they truly are and where they truly belong, I have a joke for you all.

Question: Do you know what it means to renege (pronounced re-nigg) on something?
Answer: It means to go back on your word.

Second Question: Given that, do you know what A RENEGE is?
Final Answer: It's a change of shifts at McDonalds!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-11-11 AT 00:21AM (MST)[p]"I've never raped another or promoted dog fights or broken a law to take them. And I don't have a rap sheet, either. I stayed out of trouble and earned mine by hard work."

How about a racist? Hmmm . . . just sayin!

It's always an adventure!!!
try hockey.. love the game and is the best sport to watch at the arena.. not all the b.s. of the other sports and you don't see them getting into trouble. just sayin
I can't believe I posted that joke. I can't. Must be due to the Ambien I take to sleep at night......wicked med!

I also can't believe that post didn't get the stuffing nuked out of it today.
>Question: Do you know what it means to renege (pronounced >re-nigg) on something?
>Answer: It means to go back on your word.

>Second Question: Given that, do you know what A RENEGE is?
>Final Answer: It's a change of shifts at McDonalds!

Seriously?!?!?! You have a problem man!!!!

Re-neg......means freaking racist ass hole!

All of your posts on this thread shows just how stupid or DRUNK you really are!
YD you are right, but if you like sports and are tired of the b.s. of football, hockey is a great sport and besides they have like 5 black players in the n.h.l. they play hard and fight hard. hockey has done a bad job of marketing.. thats for sure
LAST EDITED ON Feb-11-11 AT 09:32PM (MST)[p]Fishy-Dude, that what renege actually means??? Thanks for clarifying that for me (and a few others here). What in the holy heck is professional hockey anyway??? Never heard of it........

No problems here, dude. 20-year old joke, get over it. GTFU. And........I don't drink.

Since you have read all of my posts Fishlake......then you have read my spiel about inappropriately and cowardly discrediting me in order to make my views invalid and yours valid. Why don't you just act like a man and an American and stick to challenging my opinions and promoting yours instead of discrediting me in order to further yours?? You yellow, silencing, gagging, character assassinating SOB. Why can't you do this, man? I didn't call you or accuse you of anything. Why can't you just stick to debating the facts??
LAST EDITED ON Mar-01-11 AT 09:10PM (MST)[p]Twodogs:

Quit reading the articles and you'll feel a lot better. You see if I don't like something, I don't read it. Why are you reading articles from the above link??? Don't you have better things to do... Like study hunt draw statistics, banquet/auction tag prices????
Never really been a pro sports fan. I used to be an A's fan as a kid before the big baseball strike. I was always too involved in Ag/FFA/4-H livestock to be into sports. I am big fan of college sports though. College players go out on the field with a big heart, undoubtedly with a check in mind, but all in all make for some good viewing.
My username is WM........not TD. Get it right...okay, Woody?

Got the landowner/auction tag stuff alllllllll figured out. No problemo.

But.....I can't unnerstand why any so-called respectable hunter would support this super bowl garbage........and then act like it is respectable and what the American people want? It's not okay........okay???
LAST EDITED ON Mar-01-11 AT 09:43PM (MST)[p]Man.... Two... Uh, I mean whiskeyman... I was confused. Since you and twodogs post the same pics and both use the term "whack a critter", I just assumed you were the same; my mistake!! I mean how many people use the term "whack a critter"????

Anyway you are right. Next year I'm going to boycott the super bowl and make my wife and kids watch Jackie Bushman on the Outdoor Channel!!
A Skank? I guess your handle means
You know one when you see one whizerman.


We are indeed one and the same, Woody. But please offer me the simple human respect and apply my most recent username, okay? I'm hurt if you don't. Really.......I'm just crushed.

I've been to Woodruff, UT, believe it or not. Been to most everywhere in the west. Enjoyed my experiences there.

Please forego the super bowl and the lousy whore skanks and trampolas and watch a man and family oriented huntin show every time. Huntin is sooooo much more honest, decent, wholesome.......and a winner hobby EVERY time. I don't agree with all of those huntin shows........but they are much better than the trash that permeates pro sports these days. And I mean......traaaaaaaaaashhhhh.

Oh, and one more thing. Tred Barta is a know-it-all, smart-a$$, lunatic who is a great entertainer.
Whiskeyman your right. When my 11 year old boy has dreams of being a player in the NFL I will throw him a bag of weed and say good luck. You gotta be out of your mind!
WhiskeyMan.....I thought you took your Bible and went on a mission away from the computer.

You need to relax and enjoy life as it is presented.

I'm not sure there is a need to change the world, "one Monster Muley Member at a time"!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"

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