Private land Hunt



2yrs in A7 on private ranch and no draw this year. Looking for private land hunt in A10,A15,A22,A23 and will pay. Only hunting Does this year and have lots of Lake Erie Walleye. 3 hunters ages 58,51,27. Reference from NewCastle A7 upon request.
Call the G&F Office in Gilette and ask them for a list of the ranchers in unit 23. You can probably get on one for free if all you want to shoot is does as there are tons of them in that unit right now.
topgun is right. i did this for area 15 a few years ago and got the list. the good side was there was a list of 50 people. the bad news was half the people said they have no idea how they got on the list. some people said no bowhunting and others said no rifle.
Thanks guys, I did that today. TG do you hunt A23? nfh any suggestions on A15? Pm would be good. We are leaning towards A10 and A15.
Yes, I hunted 23 one time before going to the west side of the BigHorns where I hunt every year now. If you get a good map of the west side of the unit within a few miles of the Powder River where there is a lot of BLM land and a GPS with a chip for land ownerhsip, there are enough goats in that area to fill some tags. It is rougher territory and not your typical antelope country, but the few people I've sent out that way have filled out in several days.
i did area 15 once and never again.not enough public land to go on. what little land i found they overlap deer hunters so it was just crowded with people. that was just my personal experence.
Here is one big suggestion to help you out wherever you go. DON'T go out the opening few days of the season and you will miss the crowds and have a much nicer hunt and probablyhave most of the ares to yourself. As far as unit 15 goes, I looked on my CD ROM and here are the main access points for any public land of significance. I have no idea what they are like as far as holding antelope, but they are big chunks of land that you would wear yourself out trying to cover it all. Get a good map and look at these spots. Locate Ulm down south and go out to the west on CR 161 as it hits about 15 square miles of state land. Go south out of Ulm or north from Ucross toward Ulm on CR 195 and it hits about 6 square miles of state land. One other decent chunk that is accessible is on the unit's west boundary where state highway 14 hits about 10 square miles of state land. Other than those three spots I don't see much of anything else in that unit as far as public land that you could get to legally for a decent hunt.
As Topgun said, leave the opening days to crowds. I always find the hunting better at the end of the season.
there is also some walk-in areas right off interstate 90 to. not huge chunks of lands but i did find some antelope in that area 15 and tagged out with an average buck.

he wasnt the biggest in the herd and wasnt the smallest but he was the one i liked. had to drag him out about 2 miles.


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