Primos Video's...


Very Active Member
Wondering if you all enjoy the Primos video's? All the elk and deer hunts are great! I watched one last night where Wil killed a monster bull at 3yrds!

Sorry bored a little...


I like to watch Primos tapes, BUT its only for entertainment. They are SOOOO far from "THE TRUTH"! Great filming quality, very well done, but they are ONLY the TRUTH if you can hunt on HUGE ranchs exclusive and have all the best properties to hunt all to yourself!

As a Guide, I hate "THE TRUTH" tapes! I have had a client refuse to leave the pack trail to go after a bull 200 yards off the trail that was screaming, because "WILL PRIMOS CAN CALL IT RIGHT TO THIS TRAIL, IF YOU CANT DO THAT, FORGET IT, I AM NOT GOING IN THERE AFTER THAT BULL" Serious guys!

Everyone watching the Primos Entertaining DVDs has got to view them as entertaining, NOT educational. Go watch his Oregon Roosevelt Bull Elk hunt.....and see what I mean! IF all his DVDS were on Public Lands, then I would buy into the "TRUTH" series. Only a very few hunters can afford to even hunt the areas Primos does, and not even be able to hunt them every year, as Primos does.

With that said, I did some filming in 2009. Called a big 6x7 to within 10"....YES, 10 INCHES of my client, and filmed it all. This was on public land. I been doing this a long time, and thats the closest I ever called a bull in to a client. Maybe reason is, he passed on the bull first, most would have killed the bull when he was rubbing a tree at 20 yards first. Some of my footage will be in my booths to any of you that want to come visit me at the Sportshows next cpl of months.

Anyhow, I love to watch Primos DVDs too, but dont like that they try to act like anyone that uses their calls can make hunts turn out like theirs, its false advertisement. Maybe I am just jealous? lol, YUP.....wish I was that good!;-)
Or maybe you are not using his calls right, they always call'em in close. They even nicked named one of the guys Top Pin because when he calls that is all you need for shooting is your top I have heard all about you calling a bull in to a mere inches of one of your hunters from several people, I want to see it can you post it here or on your website? Or am I going to have to go to Portland just to see it?

As far as the primos videos they are fun to watch and I think they are at least 90% responsible for the bulls being so call shy. It seems that everyone who watches them think all elk should be so easy to call in. I seen on the primos video so that is the way it is. My hunting partner has pulled that card on me. It was when he first started elk hunting he has since learned otherwise. Sometimes a bull will come in like he is auditioning for a Primos video, but not often. All you need is the hoochie mama and the elk will be running.
i feel the EXACT same as BMA. they are fun to watch and dream but you know its not reality. its like watching a TV show that shows the life of the multimillion dollar lottery winners.

Blacks-Creek Packs Dealer
Bugle2me, Maybe because I am not using Primos calls! Duh, thats got to be why! lol, I use Glen Berry's calls, and I think these are some of the best on the market. However, about all I use is the diaphram mouth calls, and these just seem to work the best for me.

I have the footage on DVD, and not savy enough to know how to get it on here or even on a link. I CAN PUT IT MT DVD PLAYER AT THE SHOW THOUGH! LOL
the primos videos are very exciting to watch. They shoot some nice bulls; although, this is not real hunting to must of us public land hunters it is sure fun to watch. Eastmans hunt on some of the same places as primos as well. Many people watch these videos and think all you have to do is bugle and the elk come in. These are the type of people that dont carry cow calls.
I had a guy that would walk 20 yards and bugle. He did this non stop all morning for 2 hours. I started to play with him and called him in and threw some rocks in his direction. I moved on and dropped down the canyon and got into elk before long.

The videos are great to watch not for leasons.
Buckballs, Eastmans rarely rarely hunt private. Used to always say "no fences here", but have not seen that for awhile. I am not against private land hunting at all. But I think you understand what I meant. Eastmans are VERY classy folks. I know them and work with them on occasion. As a matter of fact, Ike and I text some today. They are great folks and I love the Eastman's Heritage of filming hunts. Eastmans want some of my Outfitter tags on occasion, but are very carefull about it, as there are grey areas with Outfitter tags with the State, and Eastman's will not do ANYTHING unless its black and white, and I totaly respect that.

I wish someone would make DVD's of average Joe's hunts. Ya, its not about BIG bulls, but more hunter can relate to this. I just love watching ANY elk hunting DVD's lol.

Is there treatment for Elk-a-holics?? lol
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-10 AT 11:51PM (MST)[p]
bma, YOU SHOULD PROBABLY UPDATE YOU EASTMANS VIDEOS. sorry for the caps, but they / eastmans hunts A TON of private! they have been cought alot talking about their reserch and in the end it ends up being a guided hunt. it really isn't even a secret. just watch all their t.v showes/ hunting videos. they will tell you over 1/2 of them are of private ground.

still my favorite video's to watch[ other than the ones i was guiding on:)]
how many times have you heard "the bobby[ i think that is his first name???] hill ranches??
Killerbee, Thanks for the update. I will talk to them when I see them in a cpl of weeks. I would like to know what direction they are headed. I am not opposed to Some private land hunts. One of the main reason more and more film crews are filming on Private lands, is to avoid the stupid Fees the USFS charges to film for profit. Its crazy expensive. Its not even intended for Hunting films! Depends what NF its filmed on, but runs from $100-200 per DAY!

What Ranch are you refering to??
The Hill ranch, southern Colorado. Eastmans has an older video where they are hunting the ranch. I think both Primos and Real Tree have been there too.
eastmans hunts that ranch in colorado if you watch it is always the same guide on both the eastmans video and primos it is where cameron haynes has shot is biggest bull and guy always shoots a big bull there. Its no secret but they have to hunt private to keep there raitings up. This way they dont have to get permits and it is one more tag they can draw and film.
I love all the eastmans and have tons of respect for them I have played baseball against nate and he is a great guy as well as his new camera guy aaron mills. I have nothing against them I am trying to get a job with them.
buckballs...what kind of name is that???LOL

You say ur trying to get job with them? What are you wanting to do? Isn't is seasonal or do you have another job part time?

Just curious...

I cooked for a large outfitter in Wyoming this year,for his September Archery hunt. And he tells his clients to leave their HOOCH MAMAS at home!The Elk on public land are call shy to them..
hey you cant make fun of the name buckballs to much, my brother and I just kinda came up with it one day. I just dint want something like muleyman or something original haha, im just messin though. I just happened to come up with it.
I applied for a marketing position they had open, I have been working on a business degree so why not apply for places you would enjoy working for.

hey blue mountain is nate going to be there this year for sure, they just had a magazine rep there last year?
So that's the problem! I am schit canning the abe and sons and gettin me a new Terminator tomorrow. And some "truth" videos. Thanks for the tip Bob:p
just in case- and i think most everyone knows, the name on the call doesn't mean anything. it's when you use it!

i HAVE called in bulls with a HOOCHIE MOMMA, most of the times- it stayes home. but there is a time and a place for it. [ most of the times - it's when your buddy cant call and you need another caller..........." but it will work in a pinch.
I agree with KIllerbee......its not so much the call make or model so much, or even how perfect you use it, its when and what you say. I mean, you cant sound like schit....but it matters more what you are saying, then how pretty you say it. Use what call works well for you. I take tons of different calls with me, cause some work better than others, in different areas. Dont know why this is, but my observation. If you can use the mouth diaphram, its still the best!
Wow. "hate" to watch a hunting video? Hmm. I thought most all hunting films were for entertainment? I thought hunting videos provided a way to escape on our couch when we cant get into the woods ourselves? I personally have a hard time criticizing others work when it comes to something I enjoy. Not all are perfect, but it sure beats not having a hunting channel as we did not too many years ago. Who cares whether it was filmed or hunted on private or public. We are all hunters and the bickering needs to stop some day. I chose to hunt both private and public and I chose to not hunt high fence. But that doesnt give me the right to agrue or condemn those who have to for medical reason or reasons otherwise. I am sure if BMA had his own TV show, he would soon find out that some private hunts may be a necessity to produce a show week in and week out. Probably shouldnt have fueled the fire, but tired of the bs, but keep coming back because I sure love the true huntin stories and pics on these sites that keep me going until next year.
I agree that the reed is the best. You can change pitch and tone so much more with a reed. Although, on sounding pretty, I have heard some god awful bugles come from decent size elk. I bugled in a bull last year in the middle of the day, eating lunch, and just screwing off. Was just playing with pitch sounds and experimenting and all hell broke loose and in seconds a 5 pt was staring us down. Didn't even have time to get to the bow it happened so fast.
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