

Very Active Member
Resident elk tag: $45.00

Gas for trip: $125.00

The look on your face when the warden handed you the $790.00 ticket:


When a fellow hunter mentions how something you are about to do is illegal and is exactly what got the forest shut down to retrieval, perhaps YOU SHOULD LISTEN.

Frickin' Utards.
come on can't just throw that out there without more of the story......

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

LAST EDITED ON Nov-01-09 AT 07:59PM (MST)[p]Quad going where it wasn't allowed to go, and I mean not even on a road and around a closed and marked gate. They knew they were wrong, we pointed out they were wrong, they chose to do it anyway. Their bad, our delight to turn them in. All for an elk less than 1/2 mile in.....sheer laziness, we had great dragging conditions with tons of snow.

Good thing Bessy didn't come up, we might have had to restrain him!!
Tough, man. I didn't get there for the opener because of blizzard conditions, we broke trail after the storm until we were dead on our feet,tracked elk for miles but couldn't get a shot, then it warmed up and crusted the snow making it impossible to he quiet. The wind was the most frustrating, it would not stay consistent at all.

But we got busted by bighorns, turkeys, marten, deer, you name it. We spent days trying to figure out what kind of ducks lived on the ponds, slobbered looking at how fishable and deserted the river looked, and enjoyed the company of friends.

So it was great!!
Sounds like a pretty good time! Sounds like next time you should throw the shotgun and the fishing pole in the truck with ya!
i deal with this every yr on the south slope. they come in on a old loging road that has been closed for over 20 yrs. they tresspass on tribal land and run their quads over 3 miles into the primative. ive called forest service many times. never have they shown up on the mountain. crazy glue works better than forest service. glue the ignition and the throtle body on the carb wide open. if they do by pass the ignition they get another suprise. i know i should not do this. but they just dont care about others playing by the rules and spook the elk yr after yr.

Thanks for relaying the story. And you deserve even more thanks for acting within the framework of the law and for the follow through so that the people had to pay the piper. More of us need to follow in your footsteps.


Spirit- I videotaped these guys. Called the poaching hotline instead of FS. got a great response
WE tryed to give them 2 guys a Heads-Up........NOT to do what they had in mind.........Oh well!!!!!!!

$790.00 ticket and then they had to break camp for camping in a parking lot!!!!
Something tells me that the wives are chewing some major booty out for some time to come!

Dang good thing Chris was heading to Colorado on the late rifle hunt gig.......or them two 'fella's' would have had a Bessy Tune-Up real fast!

Thanks for being the person you truely are Lisa for our week up there in the freaking knee deep snow!----I won't even bring up that dang WIND!

Me and 'Da Warden' truely enjoy your company!

Give them stuffed ones-----Pete & Bobbie and Mark a 'finger check' for sick!! ha

Robb, the thanks is all mine for you two stepping up an givin me the much needed break from life. We gave those guys every chance to do things right, they bought and paid for the consequence.

Sadie hates Bobby, btw.....she growls at him.
Wood Ducks? That's my guess. Give us more info, we'll figure it out!:)


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Good girl, Lisa! Nice to play it by the rules, and have others support you for it, too. Just another reason I traded in my cell phone, and got one with a camera. Not much wiggle room in the law, and you better abide by them.
Nope....buffleheads. We just couldn't remember their names, and I had no idea that the females were so different in size and color.

What really killed me was seeing the greater Canadians hanging out for two days in a blizzard, and me with a 12-gauge in the truck with no duck stamp and no steel shot!!!

And cottontails running everywhere and me with no .22!! Arg!!

But seeing a bobcat prowling around (only my 2nd ever seen) made up for the lack of elk, goose or rabbit meat.

buffleheads huh? I was thinking wood ducks 'cause they're in the mountains eating acorns now,(along with the big blacktail bucks) at least in Kali. I like buffleheads. The drakes sit up all pretty and proud. Not so good eating though.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Pred, mostly stuff like insects, molluscs, crustaceans, even small fish. In other words not very much vegetation. That's why they're not the best eating.

The honkers on the other hand......yummy!


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
glad some one got some one to show up to give them a ticket we turned in 5 atv,s that rip out fence road in 5 miles in roadless area in duchesne county called central dispatch fish game called back said could not do nothing it was forest service issue never got pnone call back from f.s. went to office next day with license plates said they did not see it would not do anything we fixed fence puot sighs back up never herd a word from f.s. fish game said could not do nothing so law enforcement lazy or stupid like atvs who cant read.
Why, if you still have the pics, try taking them to the Duchesne County Prosecutor's office.

You DO have the right to file charges on your own......since it sounds like this was on your land????


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