Price increase for Montana 2011


Long Time Member
I-161 revises the laws related to nonresident big game and deer hunting licenses. It abolishes outfitter-sponsored nonresident big game and deer combination licenses, replacing the 5,500 outfitter-sponsored big game licenses with 5,500 additional general nonresident big game licenses. It also increases the nonresident big game combination license fee from $628 to $897 and the nonresident deer combination license fee from $328 to $527. It provides for future adjustments of these fees for inflation. The initiative allocates a share of the proceeds from these nonresident hunting license fees to provide hunting access and preserve and restore habitat.

FWP is prohibited by law to take a position for or against voter initiatives. This information is provided as a public service. [Learn more]
Idaho increased their non-resident tags a couple years ago and have paid dearly for it!! They can't sell them all anymore. They forget that all the non-residents have to buy gas, food, stay in hotels, buy equipement. Greed tends to make people make poor decisions. Just my 2 cents
Thanks Kilo, Didn't see it sorry fellas for the repeat!! I guess I will just have to stay home and hunt. Tired of getting priced out of other states. This is good news for hunters with deep pockets?? It's more of a principle thing for me. If I'm going to have to pay more then I'm going to find quality bucks. Jordan was fun but the bucks just don't grow big enough to continue to go there for more money.

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