Price hike ?



My first post on monstermuleys. Been watching for a few months now. I enjoy the pictures, stories and bickering. Entertaining ! My question is how much are guided sheep hunts going up per year ? All species seem to skyrocket up and up each year. I'm kicking myself but I had an opportunity to hunt dall sheep a few years ago when the hunt was much cheaper. I would like to hunt sheep someday and have never applied for an out of state sheep tag except for Colorado in which I have the maximum points. Just curious as to what the financial trends seem to be going for sheep. Thanks for any replies.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-25-05 AT 01:10AM (MST)[p]Stone's sheep - prices sky-rocketed since quotas for outfitters were reduced last year. As much as 5000 US extra per hunt.

It is due to sky rocket again on Stone's sheep hunts in BC as it is expected the outfitters will have their quota reduced further.

Not just BC outfitters were hit .... resident hunters are now limited to 1 stone's sheep in 3 years in region 7.
Unfortunately, along with most things in the hunting industy, it just keeps getting more and more expensive.
I will not complain about the number of tags given out for certain species, not just sheep, because states are trying to protect a valuable resource. If they opened everything up and had unlimited tags, we wouldn't be hunting very long before everything is gone. I just hope that I (or we) don't get priced out of this sport that I love and live for.
By the way, welcome to MM. Lots of great guys and great info here.


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