Preying on the Weak?



Wolf pack takes down elk on Henry's Lake Flat


ISLAND PARK - A 6 by 6 bull elk area residents have watched for several months has become winterkill, meat for a pack of wolves roaming the Valley View-Henry's Lake area.

Several people reported seeing as many as seven wolves consuming the elk on Henry's Lake Flat, around a half-mile southeast of the Valley View RV Park. Most of the sightings were on Monday, AprilS. The wolves were sighted close to Hwy. 20 Wednesday morning, and by Wednesday afternoon, the carcass was mostly consumed, but ravens and an eagle were spotted munching on the scraps.

The kill is in the Idaho Department of Fish and Game's Upper Snake Wolf Management Area. Caribou- Targhee National Forest wildlife biologist Bryan Aber said the wolves comprise the Henry's Lake Pack.

Aber said the pack has three light gray animals. three black animals, and one combo. He said when tracks from this pack have been observed, there was no indication that there are any pups. None of the wolves have radio collars, and there has been no indication either way that the pack has a breeding pair, he said.

Aber said if breeding were taking place the wolves would be aggressive toward domestic dogs. so people should keep their dogs inside.

If the wolves are not breeding, they sleep out on the ground. Breeders dig dens for sleeping and raising the pups.

Agency wolf warnings:

A wolf that doesn't act wary around humans is potentially dangerous.
"Preying on the Weak"?

I do believe for the ones that believe that have been watching too much TV or listening to too many wolf lovers!

Sure,in the right conditions,the weak might be taken down for a meal,but for the most part,the big predators will take a healthy animal more times than not.

It's called survival,I've seen Tards eating out of Dumpsters & Trash Cans,yes boys & girls it does happen.
What exactly are you getting at? Wolves eat elk. You could look at in many ways.

The wolves didn't kill livestock this time.

The elk herd is so healthy they picked out the weakest elk and it happened to be a 6 point bull.

They didn't eat a pregnant cow elk.

If we knew what you were getting at then we might understand your post a little better.

The wolf fiasco is a fiasco because of extremist groups that want to get donations by lieing to the uninformed and abuse the justice system. That is where the problem begins and ends. Otherwise we would have more elk and less complaints. Don't get angry at an unmanaged predator, get mad at the justice system. Didn't Idaho get to kill a bunch of wolves this year?
despite what zigga says, i get the message pretty easy. i think its pretty well known today that they dont take just the weak. if they did they would starve. even healthy bulls are at risk.

Blacks-Creek Packs Dealer
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-10 AT 02:29PM (MST)[p]The very nature of a mature bull makes it weak and an easy target for predators. After the rut the bulls will either be alone or in small groups with a few other bulls. This makes them "weak" and easy targets for pack animals like wolves. Throw in that rack that weighs around 20 lbs and he's not the fastest elk around.

Wolves do prey on the weak and the sick. You cannot argue with that.

Speaking of weak, I heard idaho hunters didn't even fill the quota for wolves. Pathetic. Too many hunters were on here bitching instead of out there hunting "woofs".
did you kill a wolf last year? Nope, bitching about them still doesn't kill them.

If hunters spent 1/2 the time in the field learning the habits of the wolves they spend bitching about them, well you guys might of filled the quota.
well lets see did the quota get reached in island park yep...It did the quota for that area is a joke. It has more wolves that follow the elk out of yellowstone. Wyo Did you buy a wolf tag and harvist one? I see his point some people dont have the time or the means to learn how to go kill a woof...some people are lucky to get out for a week of deer and elk hunting. I am going to school and working i dont know what my hunting season is going to look like this year. Thats why its called oppinions cause everyone has one and they think they are right either way somebody is wrong or right


has anyone seen my kittie
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-10 AT 03:49PM (MST)[p]Bad journalism?

The story leads off claiming winterkill, not that wolves made the kill. It only verifies that the pack was seen feeding on the animal. She apparently interviewed the area biologist, but failed to confirm with him that it was actually a wolf kill, and not just an opportunistic pack feeding on an animal that died of other causes.


I hunt. I fish. I VOTE.

Get the F out of SFW
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-10 AT 03:54PM (MST)[p]>Orion,
> did you kill a
>wolf last year? Nope,
>bitching about them still doesn't
>kill them.
>If hunters spent 1/2 the time
>in the field learning the
>habits of the wolves they
>spend bitching about them, well
>you guys might of filled
>the quota.

hold on just a minute. You must be mixing me up with someone else. I dont really "#####" about the wolves. I simply said that i understand his post. It wasn't confusing to me. You asked to define sick and i did. you must have me all wrong.

It sounds like you're the bitter one about the wolves. Did you come over and hunt wolves? I never made it out after them myself, wanted to but never made it out. Never saw one while hunting other species either. If im "bitching" about wolves, i really feel for your wife, boyfriend or whoever that tries to have a conversation with you.

Blacks-Creek Packs Dealer
> did you kill a
>wolf last year? Nope,
>bitching about them still doesn't
>kill them.
>If hunters spent 1/2 the time
>in the field learning the
>habits of the wolves they
>spend bitching about them, well
>you guys might of filled
>the quota.

Wow, we have the Wolf Whisperer himself in our midst. Boy I'm awe inspired.


We didn't "fill the quota" (although I got mine). HOWEVER, filling the quota would have done VERY little. We filled the vast majority of the quota......and there there more wolves born than we shot.

Griping about them (and donating and being involved with the legislative/legal process) is what EVERY intelligent hunter is doing.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
It gets old all the anti wolf rhetoric you guys spew from your mouth. I'm surprised no one has thrown the SSS up yet. Really I'm sure its coming.

You guys make it seem that the wolf is the answer to bringing back your elk herds. Kill the wolf save X of elk.

I too didn't get a wolf last year. Jumped 5 but they got away too quick. But I lucky to live in a state where there are plenty of wolves and there is a liberal season. So hopefully I'll get one soon.

we both know if wyo had a quota it would be filled. Cuz idaho hunters aint 1/2 the hunter as a wyo guy :D
You know what we should do when Wyoming gets on board....have a good hearted MonsterMuleys contest between MT, ID, and WY wolf hunters. Biggest wolf, highest percentage of quota, etc. I don't usually think contests involving animals are a good idea but, I think with wolves...most of us would be in.
The quota for Island Park was 5 tags. It was filled in less than a week. Seven areas out of 12 filled their quotas. The quota for Wyoming was zero, I believe, because too many guys let their emotions get in the way of common sense, just like they are doing on this post. They did not get to hunt, and won't likely this year unless some attitudes change.

All I wanted to do was offer a news article up to provoke some thought, not start another presidental debate!
>AT 09:07?AM (MST)

>Enlighten me!
>Since when has wyoming opened their
>woof season, just curious?

Did I mention WY? You assume much.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-10 AT 09:03PM (MST)[p]I assume nothing, tell me the states that do!!!!

Other than Alaska!! What other states in the lower 48 have a wolf season? Or is a woof a new species?
Preying on the weak
If that wolf had a choice between me and a 6 point Bull elk, I wonder who he would figure was the weak, Not a choice I would like to give him. He might just figure it wrong.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
LAST EDITED ON Apr-13-10 AT 09:47AM (MST)[p]>LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-10
>AT 09:03?PM (MST)

>I assume nothing, tell me the
>states that do!!!!
>Other than Alaska!! What other
>states in the lower 48
>have a wolf season?
>Or is a woof a
>new species?

Nice edit....good to see the lightbulb went off. ;-)
LAST EDITED ON Apr-13-10 AT 01:18PM (MST)[p]Destroyer, wyo used to live in WY and now lives in AK. If you could please point out where he mentioned WY has a legal season I would appreciate it.

He did say he lives in a state with lots of wolves and a liberal season. I am pretty sure most would have been able to put together the 2 + 2.

Please come down off your high-horse and lighten up a bit.

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