pretty amazing



so my neighbor bought a really expensive dog that it is a lab and last night when i went outside to feed my dog she was in my other neighbors yard. didnt think anything of it until the one dog jumped on her and tried breeding with her. so i ran over and got the other dog off her. (other neighbors dog is border collie) i yelled at the lab to get outa here and the lab ran and jumped up and over the chain link fence. it didnt completely clear it and it had to put its paws on the fence, but this is an 8' tall fence, and this dog is not over 16 months old. i was pretty dang impressed. this morning same thing happened.

oh yeah and i am new on here. i have enjoyed reading stories and looking at pictures for a long time and finially decided to log in. so i just wanted to introduce myself and say hello. (dont let the name bug you i am not that cocky) and i will post some good pics when i figure it all out
Its not the best photo, as i was lucky to even have the camera in hand when my cousins half sisters dog jumped the Grand Canyon.


welcome to MM, let the fun begin!!
Howdy, Cream! Welcome to MM. Don't believe a WORD these fools around here say about me. None of it is true.

BTW...I had an Aussie once. Couldn't keep that sucker in any fence, he could jump anything. That's why I HAD an Aussie once. I didn't keep him around long.

"Someone smack RUS for me!"

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