Funny my wife and I were just talking bout that lastnight. Everywhere you call now says press one for english just retarded I think.
Good Luck and Great Memories
At the rate it's going it won't be long until we hear:

"Press 1 for Spanish, press 2 English"

Ya, pisses me off too. Everytime you use your debit card; ATM, grogery store, press for english. I never have understood why we have to accommidate visitors to our country.

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
As a recent visitor to South America, I was very happy that the "Press 2 for English" option was available. I think extending the same courtesy to customers that speak other languages is just good business.

A business that is trying to accomodate its customers is practicing true capitolism. Something that is in short supply in this country right now. At least from my perspective the greatest threat to our country is not someone with brown skin that speaks spanish, it is the college educated, over paid CEO's of big businesses and the socialistic handouts that follow their greed.

Let a hundred thousand people cross the border and receive whatever type of social assistance they want and it would have less affect on our economy than just a couple of these companies. If you choose to hate, I think its time you turned it inward to our own citizens, rather then looking south for answers to your slight inconveniences.
LOL. for my cell phone answering message I have. Press one for english. For spanish hang up and call again when you learn english.

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
Yeah, well you can take this crap too far!

Next time you use a drive thru bank window, or the keyboard on the gas pump, will you please think about why these are also printed in BRAILE!!!!!!!!
Every time I go to Burger King, I have to say I'll take a Numero Quatro porpavor, grande size!

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