President Obama?


Michael Reisig is a local author of several books about the 'end of

You can find his books at or
He is also the editor of our paper The Polk County Pulse in Mena,
Arkansas where he wrote this article. I have heard some of these things
before about Obama but Michael put a different angle on it. A little
long, but a good read.

This was in the paper on February 20, 2008...
President Obama .
By Michael Reisig

Well, having observed the progress of the Democrat and Republican
Primaries I would have to say at this point, America is probably close
to electing Barak Hussein Obama as its next president. I understand the
need for change - but for all my observation of Obama I have yet to hear
any decisive, detailed plans - it all seems to be continual rhetoric on
the concept of change.

It's all rather a puzzlement to me, and more than anything I think this
phenomena is representative of the new Survivor/ Oprah Winfrey/American
Idol consciousness (where the bizarre is applauded as reality and image
is more important than substance), and it is undoubtedly brought about
by the overwhelming dissatisfaction Americans have for a government that
has cheated, lied and stolen from them for at least the last two

But for minorities, and in particular blacks, this election represents a
moment of long-awaited valid ation. There is no question that the
election of an African-American president will empower the blacks of
this country.

Don't misunderstand me - this is not a racist statement, this is just a
fact, and in many respects this could be a good thing. But there is no
denying the sense of audacious rebellion that constantly simmers in much
of the black community, particularly with the youth of the large
metropolitan areas. I have some concern that the election of a black
president will take us back to a consciousness that promotes the power
of race over intelligence, reason, and the value of law, and that this
may divide black and whites more than uniting them. I hope that I'm

Obama speaks a lot about a uniting of black and white America, but the
church he has attended for years would contradict that. Although you
won't hear much of this on national television, one has but to go to
Obama's church of choice, Trinity United Church of Christ (go to the
website to check for yourself) to find, and I quote, 'An unabashedly
black congregation with a non-negotiable commitment to Africa. 'An
African people, 'true to our native land, the mother continent, the
cradle of civ il ization.'

Nowhere in the website is America even mentioned. Can you imagine if
one of the other white candidates for president were a member of a
church that declared itself 'unashamedly white?' What would the media
have done to them already?

I was also startled by a number of the points in Trinity United Church's
10-Point Vision:

*A congregation with a Non-negotiable Commitment to Africa.
*A congregation committed to Cultural Education (Africa).
*A congregation committed to the Historical Education of African People
in Diaspora.
*A congregation committed to Liberation.
*A congregation committed to Restoration. (Could this mean

In addition, Trinity's senior pastor Dr Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., is
considered by many to be a black racist, who, without question, preaches
radical Afro-centric theology.

It appears, by affiliation, that we have a man who wants to be president
of America while much of hi s loyalty is invested in black Africa.

But there is also a deeper, perhaps darker consequence in terms of
America and its multi-national population when we consider Mr. Obama as
our new leader.

Investigations have shown that Obama's father and stepfather were devout
Islamics. Both faithfully practiced their religion. His stepfather,
who had a much greater impact on Obama's upbringing, was a radical
Wahabbi Muslim. Obama's mother married Lolo Soetoro, a Wahabbi
extremist who lived in Indonesia. When Obama's mother moved to
Indonesia - before she married her second Muslim husband - she enrolled
her son in Francis Assisis Catholic School. He was enrolled as a Muslim
because he was a Muslim.

Obama's campaign website has been hailed as a testament to the
candidate's transformative politics. But at least part of the senator's
online outreach, 'Muslim Americans for Obama '08' proposes installing
Muslim prayer areas in public places and giving Muslims time off for
prayer, and has denounced Obama's colleagues in the U.S. Senate who
happen to be Jewish.

Further troubling are the issues and solutions on this site:

1. A Law against harassment of Muslim women wearing Hijab at the
Airport, DMV and other public arenas.
2. Institute a Law to allow Muslim Employees to take an hour off
from work for Friday Jummah Prayer.
3. Make the 2 Eid's (Muslim festivals), recognized National
Holidays on Calendars with days off from work.
4. Optional Halal meals in federal building, public schools and
5. Provide prayer areas suitable for Salah and Jummah, in public
and private facilities. (i.e. Malls, Airports, Universities and government
6. Organize a Muslim American group to assist in recommendations
for US foreign policy affecting majority Muslim Countries.

I have to wonder how many encampments of Islamic extremists hidden in
the hills of Afghanistan and quiet rooms of Baghdad and Tehran listen to
the news of America's primary elections with unadulterated glee,
considering first, that we may have a president who has virtually no
experience in managing a government, or attending to military/
international affairs, and secondly; the chance (as remote as it is) of
a quasi-Muslim president of the United States. Think of the possibilities.

It really scares me to think of Obama being president. It's time we as Christians stand up and let our voices be heard. Let's stop being the silent
A newspaper man with common sense. Don't see that very often.

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they do!

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