President gone!


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Jul-24-07 AT 10:08PM (MST)[p]I know some of you absolutely love and adore this adminstration for whatever reason but I read an article today about Iraq war veterans suing over V.A. benefits. This is nothing new. What gets me is that bush can send our kids off to war to fight and then they have to fight like hell to get their benefits. How about the pres, senators and representatives trade their health care with the men and women fighting for our country? This alone would be enough for me to hate this administration but there is so much more. Are you guys at all miffed over this? Let's hear some "bush is wonderful" bs.


WASHINGTON ? Frustrated by delays in health care, injured Iraq war veterans accused VA Secretary Jim Nicholson in a lawsuit of breaking the law by denying them disability pay and mental health treatment.
The lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, filed Monday in federal court in San Francisco, seeks broad changes in the agency as it struggles to meet growing demands from veterans returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan.
Suing on behalf of hundreds of thousands of veterans, it charges that the VA has failed warriors on numerous fronts. It contends the VA failed to provide prompt disability benefits, failed to add staff to reduce wait times for medical care and failed to boost services for post-traumatic stress disorder.
The lawsuit also accuses the VA of deliberately cheating some veterans by allegedly working with the Pentagon to misclassify PTSD claims as pre-existing personality disorders to avoid paying benefits. The VA and Pentagon have generally denied such charges.
"When one of our combat veterans walks into a VA hospital, then they must see a doctor that day," said Paul Sullivan, executive director of Veterans for Common Sense, which filed the lawsuit. "When a war veteran needs disability benefits because he or she can't work, then they must get a disability check in a few weeks."
"The VA has betrayed our veterans," Sullivan said.
VA spokesman Matt Smith said Monday he could not comment on a pending lawsuit.
"Through outreach efforts, the VA ensures returning Global War on Terror service members have access to the widely recognized quality health care they have earned, including services such as prosthetics or mental health care," Smith said. "VA has also given priority handling to their monetary disability benefit claims."
The lawsuit comes amid intense political and public scrutiny of the VA and Pentagon following reports of shoddy outpatient care of injured soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and elsewhere.
The complaint seeks to represent between 320,000 and 800,000 veterans of the Iraq war who lawyers say are at risk of having PTSD. Ultimately, a federal judge will have to decide whether the lawsuit is properly deemed a class action that adequately represents them.
As of March 31, roughly 52,375 Iraq veterans were evaluated at VA facilities for suspected PTSD, according to an internal quarterly VA report released Monday to The Associated Press.
"Unless systemic and drastic measures are instituted immediately, the costs to these veterans, their families and our nation will be incalculable, including broken families, a new generation of unemployed and homeless veterans, increases in drug abuse and alcoholism, and crushing burdens on the health care delivery system," the complaint says.
It asks that a federal court order the VA to make immediate improvements.
Earlier this month, a federal appeals court in San Francisco issued a strong rebuke of the VA in ordering the agency to pay retroactive benefits to Vietnam War veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange and contracted a form of leukemia.
"The performance of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs has contributed substantially to our sense of national shame," the opinion from the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals read.
Nicholson abruptly announced last week he would step down by Oct. 1 to return to the private sector. He has repeatedly defended the agency during his 2.5-year tenure while acknowledging there was room for improvement.
More recently, following high-profile suicide incidents in which families of veterans say the VA did not provide adequate care, Nicholson pledged to add mental health services and hire more suicide-prevention coordinators.
Some veterans say that's not enough. In the lawsuit, they note that government investigators warned as early as 2002 that the VA needed to fix its backlogged claims system and make other changes.
Yet, the lawsuit says, Nicholson and other officials still insisted on a budget in 2005 that fell $1 billion short, and they made "a mockery of the rule of law" by awarding senior officials $3.8 million in bonuses despite their role in the budget foul-up.
Today, the VA's backlog of disability payments is between 400,000 and 600,000, with delays of up to 177 days to process an initial claim and an average of 657 days to process an appeal. Several congressional committees and a presidential commission are now studying ways to improve care.
"While steps can and will be taken in the political arena, responsibility for action lies with the agency itself," Melissa W. Kasnitz, managing attorney for Disability Rights Advocates, said in a telephone interview. Her group is teaming up with a major law firm, Morrison & Foerster, to represent the veterans.
"We don't believe the problems will be fixed by the VA if we wait for them," she said.
Gordon P. Erspamer, a partner at Morrison & Foerster, stressed that the lawsuit does not seek to make a partisan statement about the Iraq war but instead finally force action after years of delay.
"This is the worst it's ever been for veterans, and it's only going to get worse," he said.
The lawsuit cites violations of the Constitution and federal law, which mandates at least two years of health care to injured veterans.
The veterans groups involved in the lawsuit are Veterans for Common Sense in Washington, D.C., which claims 11,500 members, and Veterans United for Truth, based in Santa Barbara, Calif., with 500 members.
Strange post.

You are asking for a fight about an article that you dont even post up?????

Not a Bush worshiper by any stretch, but, your post appears that you are just trolling for a fight.
Bush is not on my special person list anymore, but really you can't blame him for bureaucratic red tape that's been in play way before he got there, I know my ole man is on SSI
I hate to echo what's already been said but the V.A. problem and health care benefits for the Veterans has been an issue since Nixon (probably longer than that). While the current administration hasn't helped the matter, you can't blame them for all of the current problems. I used to work for the Veterans Administration Healthcare and problems have been identified recently that date back to the return of the Vietnam Vets. You are just hearing more about it now that some of these major issues have made it to the newpapers.

It's always an adventure!!!
>I hate to echo what's already
>been said but the V.A.
>problem and health care benefits
>for the Veterans has been
>an issue since Nixon (probably
>longer than that). While
>the current administration hasn't helped
>the matter, you can't blame
>them for all of the
>current problems. I used
>to work for the Veterans
>Administration Healthcare and problems have
>been identified recently that date
>back to the return of
>the Vietnam Vets. You
>are just hearing more about
>it now that some of
>these major issues have made
>it to the newpapers.
>It's always an adventure!!!

What wholelottabull said. EXACTLY
Apparently you don't see the real problem. You see, bush never fixed veterans health care AND he is sending our kids off to hell.......I mean war. My point is, HE SHOULD FIX THE ****ING PROBLEM AND THEN DECIDE TO SEND THEM INTO HELL.....I MEAN WAR.

GET IT NOW???????????!!!

Pretty simple really.

It's ok to spend a billion a week in Iraq but God forbid we give our soldiers adequate care. The same care our loser politicians get would be an improvement don't you think? Amazing! This has nothing to do with anyone else but bush. We have way more casualties now than when any other president was in power since vietnam so don't blame Clinton solely. Like I said, it's pretty simple.
ya know, the senate just killed a bill that included a raise for our military and more money for the va. It ain't Bush, he would have signed the bill if the dems would have passed it.
Please, please, please, sure there are politics involved here, but Bush, given the correct values, COULD, without a bunch of HOUSE wrangling provide more funding for the VA and for our returning vets. Pointing out that there was a bill that would have increased some funding is telling only half the story. This is the BUSH cabinet right? It also was for the first 6 years the Bush hill too, so zigga, I think is correct, Bush should have ironed this out BEFORE our men and women were sent to iraq and afganistan. planning for the wounded is one part of and effective war strategy, Bush I'm sure considered it, but like 100% of the rest of his planning, he made a mistake thinking that we would not be there very long, and therefore we would not have a need for increased resources state side. By the time this became an issue, he was too wrapped up with to many other faults, and now that he's a lame duck, he cant get anywhere, it's 100% the fault of the commander and chief in this case, to say otherwise is to pass the buck and shurk the responsibility of the CC!

Send the house a bill that says give our shot up guys some support and here's the check would pass with flying colors.
"You see, bush never fixed veterans health care AND he is sending our kids off to hell.......I mean war. My point is, HE SHOULD FIX THE ****ING PROBLEM AND THEN DECIDE TO SEND THEM INTO HELL.....I MEAN WAR."

Again, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, did not fix the problem either. They all had to deal with injured soldiers because of military actions, accidents, in one way shape or another.

That said, my dad and his brother, WWII vets got awesome treatment (my dad and his brother both had knees replaced). Good friend of mine and my brother (vietnam), good treatment. Got a local kid wounded by an IED and another injured in a helicopter crash over in the sand pile. They get very good care from the SLC Veterans Hospital. I've used them, and aside from the paperwork especially if you've been out for awhile) to establish your military pedigree, they've done good by me.

Now, there is problems, but you and your ilk look for any reason at all to blame GWB for everything. At some point, these Gov agencies have to be accountable in and of themselves. I swear, some of you guys think that the President has all knowing/all seeing powers and can just wave a magic wand and make things better.

This admin could go along way to assist the VA in streamlining and updating care and whatnot, true enough. Hopefully it does get better and GWB could improve his legacy by leaning on them.
Zigga it still sounds like a post where everything is "Bush's Fault".

First the Liberal leaning media is going to tell you everything bad with the VA system and not all of the positive things. Can it be improved? Can we pay our volunteer military more? HELL YEA!!!

Also, am I to understand that determining that our VA infrastructure is in a certain condition before we go to war is part of the decision process. War is not a base ball game. If you have to go to war, there is always someone out there to tell you why you should not and that your not ready. If it is a neccesity then it is a neccesity.

I dont think any of us are well enough informed to be absolutely sure that going to Iraq was the right thing to do. That being said, we had an administration that took it and took it from terrorists and we are now finally taking it to them. I still believe we are doing what needs to be done. And anyone that ever thought going to war in the middle east would be a 6 month affair is not in touch with reality.

The one point that you do make that i agree with is that the members of the legislature should not have better care than our soldiers.
This is a problem that has existed long before Bush. There are many problems with the VA system. The reason I quit working for them is because I couldn't watch these Vets get the crappy care they were getting. First hand knowledge here ZIGGA. This problem has blossomed. Now with an influx of wounded into the system it had exposed problems even all the politicians didn't know about. I've seen vets get great care that they wouldn't be able to afford otherwise but I've also seen them treated like lab rats. I've seen Vets wait 6 months for a surgery that normally would have been done within a week in the private sector. When GWB got elected he tried to start initiatives to privatize healthcare for the Vets but that got shot down big time. The government didn't want to lose the revenue although it would have been a better system. I understand your concern and frustration. I agree with you to a point. I just don't think that would have been possible to fix with one administration. Clinton didn't have a good track record with VA healthcare either but he made no effort to fix the problem either. I believe that it is such a huge problem that government leaders look at it and put the blinders on because it's easier to look away and ignore than to fix.

It's always an adventure!!!

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