Preference Point Help Needed


Very Active Member
So I'm very new to western hunting as I've only lived in NM since last Oct. I would like to start building preference points in at least one other state for Bighorn, Mt Goats, and Moose. I know it's kinda late in the game this year and I might have missed out on some of the application deadlines already but I'm looking for any advice you guys have on which states I should start buying preference points for regarding these 3 animals. Thanks in advance.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-14 AT 01:20PM (MST)[p]Montana even w/o points you still have a chance at drawing. Idaho is good because they don't have preference points. Utah is not that pricey and you have a chance at drawing. Skip Wyoming, not worth it too expensive for just getting started...good luck!
Unless you are relatively young, and are willing to wait a very long time, jumping into the preference point game, at this point, may be an expensive fruitless exercise. Most pt. systems started 20 years ago, so the line ahead of you is very long. You could easily wait 3 decades or more to draw anything. However, if you are young and patient you have some options.
I would for sure apply in your own NM for Bighorns, and Idaho where there are no preference points.
Best of luck
Nevada... there were at least four nonresidents who drew desert tags in Nevada last year with five or less bonus points. It's a tough draw, no doubt, but you COULD be successful in year one. Obviously the odds are against it but it is possible.

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup, I just stir it.[/font]
After you buy 3 pts you will have a chance of drawing in CO, maybe not a great chance, but not zero.
Points systems are justified by the thought that you wait your turn and will draw.... not true with high demand tags like sheep! The stack of high points holders will clear out more due to death than drawing out. So late entrants pretty much have to outlive their peers and are assured of being old if they draw. Anyway, you have to apply to have any chance of drawing. Bonus points and random tags do go to late entrants in most states. Draw systems can and will change. Whatever your point status... apply in as many states as you can afford and hope to get lucky it sheep hunting is important to you.
>Points systems are justified by the
>thought that you wait your
>turn and will draw.... not
>true with high demand tags
>like sheep! The stack of
>high points holders will clear
>out more due to death
>than drawing out. So late
>entrants pretty much have to
>outlive their peers and are
>assured of being old if
>they draw. Anyway, you have
>to apply to have any
>chance of drawing. Bonus points
>and random tags do go
>to late entrants in most
>states. Draw systems can and
>will change. Whatever your point
>status... apply in as many
>states as you can afford
>and hope to get lucky
>it sheep hunting is important
>to you.

You've gotten some good advice from the others. Here's what I would add: Do what you can to make a lot of money, and save up for the hunts that you want. Alaska is still affordable for sheep, goat and moose. That is the surest way to go. But you may be older when you finally go so stay in good physical shape. Also, since you live in NM, I recommend doing Barbary Sheep every year. The public land Barbary hunts, especially the OTC hunt, is a real challenge. Good Luck

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