

Very Active Member
Was in the lower country in the burn area at the Sand Ledges and saw one big Black Bear this evening. I am seeing more predators these last few years and less deer. Wonder Why! I never thought I would ever see a bear in Utah unless it was with dogs. HOLY COW it couldn't be happening here. I have covered this mountain for 55 years and never seen a bear until this one. A couple of times before that we saw a coyote and me without a gun.
Bears can be found anywhere. I have video of one running out of a gas station parking lot one morning in the town of santaquin a couple years ago. It's not all that uncommon to run into them, I usually see 1-3 a year on accident. Same with coyotes. The bigger issue I have found is the cats, there seems to be more of those around lately. Lots of houndsmen with disagree with that statement, but I believe it's because they are looking out for their own interests, which I understand. I'm told we are in the good old days of deer numbers now, and while I agree there's more now than there was 10 years ago, I still don't think there are enough and I want more... same concept as the houndsmen have. 15 years ago when trail cams started becoming a thing, I bought a few and put them up in areas I hunt around central Utah. I left them up year round so they documented everything that walked by them, either on trails or water sources in the dry areas. I don't think I got a pic of a single cat until around year 3. Then I didn't get another one until year 5. I still have cams in these exact locations and im getting multiple cats a year on every camera I have out, on 3 different units, between 12 cams.
I agree with everything you said except I don't understand why the houndsmen can't see that they are their own worse enemy. Deer and elk hunters are all there is between animal rights activists. Once they are gone and you add another million people in Utah the houndsmen might as well make house pets out of those dogs. The deer are gone in much of the Fishlake areas where they used to be prevalent. The Pahvant Range is absolutely terrible. You could hunt cougars all day long, every day, and never kill half of them on that range. It is too rugged and ledgy for even the most rugged dogs. Nothing is going to change. I don't even know why I am on this forum. Too old and don't care. I am just glad I've only got a couple of grandkids that like to hunt out of sixteen. They would rather ski, mountain bike, motorcycle, and hike. Less frustration that way. Just watch California too see where Utah is headed. Just remember, you heard it here first!
I've seen as many as 10 bears in a single day in Utah(elk ridge). If you can pin-point what they are feeding on it's easy to find them in numbers.
Five miles past Sigurd on the highway going to Fishlake. In the big grassy flats where the fire was a couple of years ago. That is such an unusual place for a bear I'll just bet the DWR is planting some of their trouble bear down here. Just what we need more bear, cougars, coyotes and less deer.

Again I say, good going Grandkids for taking up other hobbies. Hunting deer will be soon coming to an end. Remember you heard it here first!
>Five miles past Sigurd on the
>highway going to Fishlake.
>In the big grassy flats
>where the fire was a
>couple of years ago.
>That is such an unusual
>place for a bear I'll
>just bet the DWR is
>planting some of their trouble
>bear down here. Just
>what we need more bear,
>cougars, coyotes and less deer.
>Again I say, good going Grandkids
>for taking up other hobbies.
> Hunting deer will be
>soon coming to an end.
> Remember you heard it
>here first!

Run straight up the road to the top and you may find me. We had a bear at the neighbors cabin they freaked out. Not sure if it had a tag in its ear. Have it on camera licking my trail camera. It pushed it down so I only saw feet after that.
A big grassy flat isn't unusual for a bear at all. There?s a number of reasons he or she could be down there. Bears inhabit all sorts of habitat. From the desert, to swamps, to agricultural areas, to the high country. That grassy flat is only a few miles from the Daniels area of fish lake where there are an ok number of bears. That's about as hard a walk for them as it is for you to go get your morning coffee.
There has been bear in Daniels and Boobie Hole. There have been many bear by Gates Lake. There have been many bear on Monroe Mountain, but Mormon Peak? This is a city bear, put near that area by the DWR. I'm convinced of that. I have constantly covered that mountain too many years to count. Coyotes - Yes. Bear - this is a placed city bear. I wonder if they have a map of where they have released troublesome bear.
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