

Long Time Member
Why is it that some would have all the predators that are people, locked up in prison, jail, or even executed, yet on the other hand, the same advocate to allow wildlife predators run free, multiply, and at the prey animals expense, kill and eat their way to eventual starvation?

A predator is a predator, man or beast!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Joey, all that snow must be getting to


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Snort said, "Joey, all that snow must be getting to"

lol, it has in the past and maybe now again... but don't you see the irony in my statement? People can't abide by people that prey on other people, predators, but some choose to give animal predators a blank check!

I just can't believe that otherwise fairly intelligent people can believe that allowing predators in Calif to go unchecked can possibly benefit the wildlife in our state. It's just not possible!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I agree with you..

The problem in my opinion is the dumbchits that come up with this stuff think that life is like a Disney movie and that all critters will get along in perfect harmony if man was out of the picture..

This state has really gone to hell in the last 10-15 years... I don't wanna imagine what it will be like in another 10-15...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Well.....Playing the "Devil's Advocate" here, the common perception and mantra from "those people", (hereafter referred to as "they"), is that animal predators are just doing the thing that they were designed by Mother Nature to do.

If left alone, the balance of Nature will take care of itself, and the weak and old animals will be removed from the gene pool, thereby rendering the targeted herd, better overall health and numbers.

Essentially, this is the accepted viewpoint of Nature Fakers everywhere, printed and espoused by scientists and wildlife agencies worldwide.

They don't, in any way, shape, or form, listen to any argument that is presented by anyone outside their information circle. ANY other viewpoint is simply designed from "spin" and is presented as an excuse to kill "defenseless animals".

The "trophy hunting" aspect is far more devastating to the herds, in that the healthiest animals are taken out, leaving inferior genes to be passed on, ultimately causing the health, numbers and quality to deteriorate.

Clearly, these arguments are sound, common sense realities, that require quite a stretch to justify a "hunting" situation, being used as a management tool. You better be on top of your game to even begin an argument to the contrary.

Eighty percent of the people in the world don't hunt. They don't think like we do and they don't have a single reason whatsoever, to listen to OUR side of the story. There is simply NO logical reason that they should even care about another point of they don't.

They firmly believe that, "There is NO excuse, whatsoever, for hunting".....period, end of story.

"They" will eventually eliminate "US" altogether.

"I could agree with you, but then we would both be
wrong......and stupid" can't believe the valley down here! AB 109ers everywhere, lowlifes sleeping on the steps and entry ways at the office. Begging for money and if you don't give them some, they get pissed. Parolees outta hand violating sucks.

I tell the girls working after hours when leaving......"Open door of office building, display firearm, if threatening individuals still present, fire two warning shots".....God, I wish.

The law abiding public is pretty on edge here.......
Nickman, from what i've been reading, you nailed it!

Hopefully, there still are some/many wildlife biologists on the Calif payroll that have balls enough to stand their ground and tell the tale of what will become of the rest of calif's wildlife if we continue or accelerate down the road the HSUSA would ignorantly lead us with their grand plan to make Calif a Predator State.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
We haven't had a perfect balance of nature since before the cave man days. Humans role has been to tweak nature to our advantage. That's how we survive, and make for a more quality way of life.

We learned how to grow crops for example. Then we learned how to control pests that prey on those crops. Smart. We learned how to raise cattle and nurture them against all forms of predators. Smart.

We do the same thing with our wildlife. Originally we eliminated predators on our wildlife so we could eat more deer and elk. Smart.

Taking it a step farther, we have found cures for diseases. Viruses and bacteria are, in reality, just a lower form of predator. Predators none the less. I submit that in pure nature the virus is just as important as the lion.

If a perfect balance of nature is the goal, then we need to undo everything we've gained as a species back thousands of years.

We've advanced to the point that some forget how we got to the place we are now (by eliminating or severly controlling predators). Their bellies are full and they live long healthy lives, so they have free time to make moral judgements about the balance of nature.

One could argue that we no longer need to eat wildlife, but why not propogate wildlife for our own enjoyment, ie hunting? You don't want to hunt or like hunting? Fine. Just don't use the "balance of nature" argument with me. It doesn't fly. You're living a hypocritical life.

Well done Steve! About as good as i've heard it!!

I was hoping to put forth a couple ideas in this thread that could then be put into better words that might get circulated against the mantra that the HSUSA is spewing.

They choose to champion the non native feral horses that are taking over our high deserts but also then campaigned to destroy every living mule deer and elk living off our Calif coast on a Island. What's the difference? We hunted the Deer. Hypocrites? you betcha!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Why did they make a feral hog gone wild a big game? it's a money maker for the State,a big profit with little expense.
The bottom line is they don't care about nature. Their view of nature is from inside a car, or in front of their TV.

They haven't heard a bull elk bugling at first light, seen a flock of Honkers or Mallards dive into the spot, watched a fawn nursing from their mother, watched a bobcat kill a rabbit, or even watched the squirrels gathering food those first cold days of fall.

They think hunters just kill and ruin nature. The rebounds of 100s of species are a direct result of hunters. Ask a non-hunter, or partictarially an anti-hunter, how much money they have donated towards wildlife in the last year. They will avoid the question, and won't believe all of the money an individual donates to CWA, RMEF, Ducks Unlimited, Mule Deer Foundation, Pheasants Forever, Wild Turkey Foundation and the sheep organizations. I've been called a liar after I've added my money spent for non-profits and out of state linceses/tags.

And they think the money they spend for the Sierra Club, HSUS, etc actually goes for the benefit of animals, instead of propaganda and commercials. I've told several of these ill-informed individuals that buying a bag of dog food and dropping it off at the local animal shelter will do more than giving to any anti-hunting organization. And I get that F&%ked up look.

Joey, you hit a button, sorry!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-12-13 AT 09:42PM (MST)[p]"Joey, you hit a button, sorry!"

Hey, no worries! As i said, i'm looking for reactions, for ideas, for key areas of thought that can possibly stand up to some of what the antis are putting out. BTW, I agree with you 100%

I seen where one of those HSUS gals was alarmed when she found out that we have historically paid for the show with our license and fee moneys. She said that the F&W should maybe be run instead out of the General Fund coffers...basically so we hunters would have even less of a say on how it should go. Sad!!

What ever happened to that lawsuit against HSUS, exposing them for not delivering as advertised, giving people the idea that they were the Humane Society in their efforts to raise funds? That was supposed to be a win for us outdoorsmen but i have heard nothing further.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
On Facebook, there is a video of a herd of water buffalo saving a calf from a pride of lions......I don't have a link, but you can find it easy using the "search".

If you read the comments, you will see what we are up against. It is a mind blower how dumb and "Disney" these people are.......and they outnumber us 10 to 1 !

"I could agree with you, but then we would both be
wrong......and stupid"
I hope he is sterile,how many times has he traveled back and forth without getting ran over or shot?russian roulett or maybe traveling in the back of a truck.

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