
Hey PC, I was snoozing...just waiting for the Utah proclamation to come along. In addition to the goat, I took a fine pronghorn, and am trying to take a nice fat cow elk in the next coupla weeks. Chased a nice buck with a muzzleloader, and was just too far from spike bulls to score.

Rabbits are next on the plate, literally.
Good to hear from you. So, the buck put the slip on you, huh? Where were your deer/elk hunts? Rabbits?? What is the Utah proclamation? Sorry for all the questions. hehe PC
PC- "hunting regs" that's what she's waiting for...the Utah hunting regs... I see now we can't use big words with PC the teacher! hehe

Scott G.
Smart a$$! I was going to e-mail you to tell you the ranch was covered with hogs, but forget that I'l take some other low-life. hehe Heck, I thought the proclamation was to proclaim she had multiple tags, or something. hehe PC
PC- Predator's proclamiation is her "love for me"! That's what it is! hehe

If that ranch has hogs, I'll be there in 10 hours! LOL

Scott G.

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