Pred, How about some poetry??


Long Time Member
For you guy's that don't know it Predator is a poet and a great story teller.....I sure could use a classic about now?? Callin ya out girl, do your thing.........
LAST EDITED ON Jan-19-11 AT 07:58PM (MST)[p]Touchet fireball....Got me!!! You just haven't read Preds stories??
Are you kidding me? On this campfire?

Last time I tried that, it quickly degenerated into man-talk! LOL

But I am thinking of posting my favorite Chippendales and asking if TK would 'hit that'.......giggle
I guess it would have to have favorite in it somewhere.
She does tell a great story.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Pred, you won't tell us your age, or any other vital statistics so give a story atleast!!!! Geeeeze what a teeeeeze!! wink.

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