preachin if your drinkin



if you got drunk on new years i want your address. i am going to send deserteagle over to do a little preaching before hes goes to portugal. oh and i am not included on this deal
Do you have a problem with Deserteagle living his religion and doing what he believes in?
LAST EDITED ON Jan-01-08 AT 07:58PM (MST)[p]It sounds to me like cream just wants to offer a little practice for him.... i didn't take it that he has a problem with it!

touchy subject though!

wes, havent had a problem with anyone since high school,(used to meet by the flagpole if i did) and dont have no problem with anyone now or what anyone believes in. i am pretty easy going and just lookin to have a little fun, sorry if its not on your level. so you just settle down a little bit ok. lol does sound like a touchy subject for some
i've been known to beat the coffe tea and tobacco right out of some! give me names and numbers. i've got a couple weeks, i'll preach!! :)

the only eagle with enough power and speed to kill and gut you with one shot
Not a drop and I was in bed by 9:00PM

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
good job 204. glad you put the bottle up.

the only eagle with enough power and speed to kill and gut you with one shot

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