Pre-Season Burn .... You up to it?


Founder Since 1999
Alright, my buddy and I are going to do this adventure run/hike in late June in Colorado. It looks pretty dang fun! Any of you guys up for it? We're planning on going over on Saturday, doing the run on Sunday and then come home either Sunday night (part way) or Monday.
Anyway, if any of you guys are up for a little pre-season burn, this one should do it. Just getting into shape for it should get you ready for the mountains.
It's at Beaver Creek in Avon, Colorado on June 26th.
Here's the website address:

If you want to join our team, here is the link to do so:

Post a reply if you want to do it and we'll chat.

Just something to remind a person that their alive. Fun little adventure run.

Never_Catch - You up for it???

Brian Latturner
Brian, it sounds like a good time but I'm going to have my son that weekend so I won't be able to go do it. Looks like a fun trip though, maybe next time. Good luck to your team!![/IMG] ~Z~
i am with paul some oatmeal stouts and jd for me . i meditate and perform a seance in hopes of landing my idaho draws ! :)
"It looks pretty dang fun!"

I looked at the map. It depends on your defenition of "fun" I guess.:)

Brian, are you going to get the tattoo?

Just razzin' you. It sounds like it could be a neat event.

>Post a reply if you want
>to do it and we'll chat.

Not if it involves another secret clubhouse visit (or is it "chubhouse")
I'm putting my own team together. We are going to the outdoor National Motocross on Saturday in Denver, then the race on Sunday! I hope you guys have a blast. Maybe we'll cross paths! Good luck!

Traditional >>>------->
Crap Feleno..... I just clicked on the map for the full view.... I don't care if it's 5 miles I'm not ready for this course.... LOL..... Terry
Sure! Bring that ATV. I'd love to piss those boys in Colorado off ({b]4000fps[/b] and the like). LOL
Be sure to put UTAH plates on your truck too!!!!! That'll really get them fired. We'll kill on "THEIR" bucks and tamed their mountains too.

Brian Latturner

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