Please keep a Good Friend of mine/Ours in your Prayers!

Sure Hope he doesn't get mad at me for posting this?

He's a Good Friend of mine that has went out of his way to offer me help & always invites me up to the Gorge every Fall!

Don't really know what's going down & he may not want it posted,it's His Business,but I'll dang sure Praying for him & a Quick recovery!

This Guy is Awesome!

Take Care Robb

Please Pray for a Fellow Hunting Friend & Thanks!

Prayers sent. Hope all turns out well Robb. Your MM Family is thinking of you.
Super guy and i hope everything goes well for him today.

He's a good man allways helping people.Don't know whats up but I'll say a prayer for you and hope every thing works out.
Prayers sent his way!

Rob's been one of the long time regulars here at MM.
Heard nothing but good about him.
It must be pretty serious.

Best wishes.
HH & Son.
Got an email this morning from Robb and sure hope all goes well for you and we wish you the best...take care.

I agree with all of the above. Now Robb and I got cross with each other a while back probably my fault not his. Long story short he PM me and we talked back and forth for a couple of weeks. Always started Good morning Rick and always had something positive to say.
Never met the guy but I like his attitude on here and I believe I would him if I met him in person. In my thoughts and prayers.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-11 AT 05:11PM (MST)[p]Be-Bop

Let PleaseDeer know there's a bunch of us praying for him. I am a believe in prayer. Prayers are heard and prayers are answered.

oh he is ok!!!! He is a former Navy Seal for Gods sake........!!!! I'm sure he was out back playing in his new blind with the new trail cam this morning :)
I'll keep him in my thoughts and prayers. Robb is a great guy, very helpful and a darn fine man. Get well soon, my friend.
Robb and Family are in our prayers, Outstanding man will give you the shirt off his back if you need it.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Robb is one of the good guys!!!! Thoughts and prayers from our family are on their way. Recover quick my friend.

It's always an adventure!!!
Prayin & Hopin All is Well with my friend?

Maybe Ms PleaseDear or Preddy can Chime in when there's time to let us know how SuperMan is doing?

I'm missing your e-mails already Robb!
Heard from him this morning. Alive and kick'n! I swear that guy is as tough as they come! Prayers for a quick recovery.
'morning All,

Thanks for all the support.

Chris--I am going to give you an ass kickin'! but thanks...

I am a sore MO-FO this morning but the pain pills and antibiotics are very helpful.

I was up and took the needed Pee.....about 1 1/2 hours after the surgery so the Doc said I could go home......

Getting into Da Wardens Toy/Tacoma was a treat but I would rather be here than at the Hospital.

I just couldn't stay in bed throbbing any longer this morning so I got those 4-5 stairs seemed like the death march up Mill Creek chasing WF bow buck!

Thanks again,

Well Robb,

I figured I'd be gettin an ASS WHOOPIN!

But figured I couldn't sit around and not Pray and not have others Pray for you,this outweighs an Ass Kickin My Friend!

You can always kick my Butt later!:D

Seriously,We are concerned for you Health & Hope all is well!

We also know You're as tough as anybody We know anywhere!

I just can't sit around & do nothing Robb when a Friend might need some Prayers!

I know,it's none of my Business but You've got Friends and lots of them Robb that care!

Take Care & try & not be too mad at me!:D

Glad you're on the way to a quick recovery!

You're the Man Robb!
Robb said, "Chris--I am going to give you an ass kickin'!"

Since Robb is doing so well......prayers are being sent for BBop now! I hate to see my friend BBop take a ass whippin!:)

Glad to hear you're doing OK Robb!

LOL Eel!

I might need em when PleaseDear gets done with me!:D

One of them damned if I do damned if I don't type a deals!

We do care & worry about Our Friends!
How funny-------but you will have to drive down and come here for an ass kickin' as I 'aint' drivin' for a while! ha

Sore of course but it is this freaking cold that is killer as everytime I blow my nose or sneeze the pain is unbelieveable....

'Da Warden' wants me to go to the Doc and get something for this cold but for hell sakes how much chemical can I guy put in his body at one time!

Robb, hope you get feeling better soon. I had the same reduction surgery done a while back and it is a painful SOB. But no longer having all that weight swinging and pulling on your abdomen and pelvic muscles will be worth it. Sure, making the porn movies was fun and I will miss that but the royalties will get me through the waning years. Besides I had em leave me enough that I can still get a little work just on my experience alone.

Wishing you good luck and a speedy recovery Robb. :)
Good luck with the recovery Robb, Cold suck as it is, but after surgery they can be down right painful. We have been praying for ya too!
Day 6 update......

Still sore no doubt----

Lots of Black-n-Blue all the way into 'The Boys'.....that is scary to look at!

Nv-----pretty funny!-----I will be picking your brain as I have double digit Desert Ram pts. in Nv this April appl. timeframe.

That doesn't sound like much fun at all Robb. Hopefully they stocked you up on plenty of analgesic narcotics. After hearing this much from the day 6 follow up I'm not going to use your doc for a vasectomy after all. :)
6 days after the V or V reversal?? WTH did they use a frickin chainsaw?? }>

Hope life's better for ya this week Robb!!

Hey thanks!

A little set back--broke about a 1 inch long by about 1/3 deep gash like deal in the stitches area.......

Freaked me TFO.....

The Mrs was doctoring it up and vomitted as she could see the layers of skin/flesh down int the gap.

Called the Dr. not much they could do so I have those butterfly bandages and move even slower!

~Z~ no V done or reversal......Double Hernia with a Lower Intestinal Staff Infection-----combo type deal! ha

Nothin fun about Staff Infection!

Hope You're doin OK Robb!

Is there any Naughty Nurses doin House Visits?:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!

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