pray for my kids please


As most of you know I am newly divorced. I found out a couple weeks ago their mom has breast cancer. She is going in on Friday to have both removed. We will sit down and tell the kids on Tuesday what is going on.

Kids need their mom!!!

What a roller coaster of life this last few months have been.
Be there for your kids. As whacky as it's been for you, it's twice as hard for them to comprehend. Praying for your family Rug.
Sorry to hear this and hope that all comes out fine in this hard time in the family. We will pray for your family.

You're a good man to feel the hurt for your kids and recognize the importance of them needing their mom. I think if you can bring yourself to help support her in getting through this, and your kids can see your concern, it will go a long way in helping them feel secure and loved. You didn't say how custody is set up, but the kids need to feel like you are all in this together. Good luck to all of you and God Bless.
>You're a good man to feel
>the hurt for your kids
>and recognize the importance of
>them needing their mom. I
>think if you can bring
>yourself to help support her
>in getting through this, and
>your kids can see your
>concern, it will go a
>long way in helping them
>feel secure and loved. You
>didn't say how custody is
>set up, but the kids
>need to feel like you
>are all in this together.
>Good luck to all of
>you and God Bless.
Thanks as far as custody I moved one mile away from them. I wanted to ne close so I could visit and be close to them. I see them alot and love it!
Your family is our thoughts and prayers. Hang in there...the sun has gotta come out after all life's storms doesn't it
Dang Rug, I'm sorry to hear that. Hang in there. I know how important your kids are to you. I'll be thinking about you.
My thoughts are with ya'll!

I was amazed when my wife went through this how much support came from my children. I am sure you will see the same from yours. You will all be in our thought and prayers.
Sorry to hear 77 and your kids and Kelli will be in be in our thoughts and prayers !!!

Tell her to try and stay positive, it among other things helped 45's sis beat that crap .

Hang in there Bud =)
Sorry to hear the news Rug...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Words always seem to be so will need to be strong for all your family.

You have more friends here than you know!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
Sorry to hear that RUG!

Hope all goes well!

You're all in Our Prayers!

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Bad deal and sorry to hear that Rug. Seems like in life when it rains it pours. Hopefully with a little bit of luck and a whole lot of prayers things will work out for everyone involved.
There's not much I can say about this that I haven't already but just remember to keep your head up and stay positive buddy!! If you're ever feeling down about things and need to talk, my cell's on 24/7 dude!![/IMG] ~Z~
Sorry to hear all of this Rug. Don't know how old your kids are but just always be there for them. My kids haven't seen their mother since our divorce 5 years ago because she is a full blown drug addict and chose drugs over her beautiful kids. It's been tough on them so hang close to yours. Kids are very resillient as long as they have you to help them through. Good luck and we will be praying for you and your family.

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
My heart is heavy for you and the family. I hope and prayer it takes away the cancer with this surgery. My prayers are with ya.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
So sorry to hear this Rug. My thoughts and prayers are with you all!

You're agood dad to put your children's need for their mother first but then I never thought any different of you.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
LAST EDITED ON May-23-11 AT 07:53AM (MST)[p]Be there for your kids and your ex. Will send prayers on behalf of your family.

Phantom Hunter
Thanks for the prayers and kind words. 1911 your right about the rain!!

Z get yourself better so we can find some bucks on the Wasatch..
Rug, You sure have had enough adversity lately. My thoughts are with you all.
Thoughts and prayers for your ex wife, the kids, and you too Rug. It must be tough going. There is light at the end of the tunnel so stay strong! Lean on us too!

Dang Rug, how much more can you handle! My prayers are with all of you through these tough times....I'm so sorry.
>Praying for you all man.
>Sorry to hear the bad
>news. If you or
>they need anything let me
>know. I'm just up
>the street...

Thanks SS I appreciate your offer.
Seems there has been a lot of sadness on MM lately. Prayers for you and your family Rugarm. You are a strait shooter.


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
Hang in there. You have my prayers as well. Coming to hang out at MM can be good stress relief. Lotsa guys here that care. mtmuley
>Hang in there. You have my
>prayers as well. Coming to
>hang out at MM can
>be good stress relief. Lotsa
>guys here that care. mtmuley

I could not agree more. There are a lot of great people on this sight! Thanks
You sure have your priorities in the right place rug, may the Lord bless your children and their Mom. Thank goodness we live at a time that we such wonderful medical solutions, I'm going encourage you to believe those babies will have their Mom to care for them for a long, long time.

We're going to stay positive for all of you.

Rug although she is your X.She is the mother of your children
You are a great man standing by her side as well as your children.She is the one struggling right now.
Stay positive for her as well as your kids.
Man Rug - I sure hope it all turns out well for you and the boys - prayers are surely in order. Give me a ring if you want to chat sometime.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Hang in there, Jason. Kids are amazing and we don't give them credit for how strong they truly are. You'll see. It is us, as parents, that hurt the most when we THINK/KNOW our kids are hurting. They won't take the news lightly but for them, life is school, friends and TV. I hope your ex makes it through with no problems. This can't be easy for any of you. Believe me, your kids will be fine....take care.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
How sad Jason.

What a tough situation for you and her after all the divorce karma.

Are your kids old enough to understand all this?

Prayers for you and her from us.

Robb & Peggy

I am sorry to hear of the issues your kids are going through. No doubt you will do the right thing by them. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

>As most of you know I
>am newly divorced. I found
>out a couple weeks ago
>their mom has breast cancer.
>She is going in on
>Friday to have both removed.
>We will sit down and
>tell the kids on Tuesday
>what is going on.
>Kids need their mom!!!
>What a roller coaster of life
>this last few months have

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Sorry to hear this Rug,
keep your chin up and keep things positive and turn that rain into a rainbow.. We are all pulling for your wife and kids and you!
Robb they are 9 and 12. They understand a little bit as much as kids can. I am sure after Friday things will sink in with them as well as the road ahead. I took some time off work so I could be with them and help out.

Thanks again for for the prayers and kind words everyone.
LAST EDITED ON May-25-11 AT 03:50AM (MST)[p]Thanks----they are old enough to understand for sure.

Sad thing is---this type deal will bring the family closer together than ever......which is a good thing of course but--ya know...

If ya ALL need that get-a-way for a few days ------ the Wyo camp trip in mid-June is still on the table....

I will do what I can to make it smooth going for her with cmap set-up guys just hang together away from the freaking doctors---needles and hospital-------in the pines and quakies....campfire--ect........

Will do, hope you can find the strength to deal, with it all and still be there for them.

Has anyone seen my kittie?

Today she had the surgery and it went well. The doctors seemed to think they got it at an early stage. She will still have to have the radiation in a month just to be safe.

I was so proud of how my kids have done so far. It was very hard as they watched mom come out of surgery but they are tough little troopers!!!

I wanted to thank everyone again for your prayers and well wishes. Jason
Good to hear that it went well.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Glad to hear the surgery went well. Few more weeks and the worst part will be behind her an the kid-o's. Got to love modern medicine, even though it comes with a significant price tag. Worth every penny if you need it to survive.

Things are going to turn around for you and the kids rug. Hang in there.

Glad to hear surgery went well Jason.

I hope the rest of her treatments go good.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
Glad to hear that her surgery went well and she has a good prognosis. I have three close friends whos wives all experienced what your exwife is going through right now only about 8- 10 years ago. All three of their wives are still here today and all are healthy. Breast cancer is bad deal but its obviously getting easier to treat with all the new medicines, treatment techniques, smart doctors and a lot of prayers.

Our prayers are headed that way.
I cant beleive that this is the first time I am reading this post! I am so sorry to hear of your situation. I do not know you or your kids at all but I sympathize with you and your kids, more than you know and more than words can say. Hang in there, be a foundation that your children can rest and lean on. With all the prayers going out for your kids and wife and all the concern with how they will take it and deal with the situation please, please dont forget about yourself. Take care of your self just as well as the others. Your kids will see this and it will be an example to them. Love your kids always and help them every way possible. I will pray, and continue to pray for your situation. Remember we pray to know and understand His will, not to change it. Though i dont know your family, i will help in any way that I can if/when it is needed. Chin up, and best wishes my friennd.

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