Prank Wars


Long Time Member
I need your help with some ideas...

Here's the a few of you, I work nights and sleep during the day. Well a couple friends think it's a wonderful idea to send me every text and pix message they get anytime they get them which wakes me up multiple times each day. I use my cell as my alarm clock since it's got multiple alarm options and I don't want to turn my phone off or do it another way. I'm just determined to win this war!! Anyways the past few nights I've been sending these friends text and pix messages starting around 1 am until about 6 am (around 30 messages a night) trying to wake them up multiple times for NO REASON...also calling a few times and leaving voicemails asking what they're up to lmao!! :) well they just send more and more crap each day spaced out perfectly ruining any chance of getting good sleep. Now it's time to get creative and get not only even but ahead and way ahead!! Throw out some ideas if you've got em...they're good friends so I can be an a-hole and get away with it too :)

Any ideas welcome...

Take out an add on craigslist. Man looking for man, and leave a contact phone number, available evenings. Of course, if you go through with it, they will declare war too.
That's AWESOME stuff right there zekers!! I'm going to see what a few others recommend too but I like it, thanx!!

I would guess your buddies are turning their cells off at night. I would start using their landlines. I just learned this, but there is text to landline messaging now (reads off your text in a creepy electronic voice). Or you can send them a fax's. That's annoying even in the day.

"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold
Have another friend go by and knock on the door at least 2-3 times in that time frame since your calls aren't getting the results you want.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
All night Chinese delivery/take out is good.

"Escort" services or "massage" therapy people, who will go to a private residence.

I would probably buy an alarm clock to use during the day.....
>All night Chinese delivery/take out is
>"Escort" services or "massage" therapy people,
>who will go to a
>private residence.
>I would probably buy an alarm
>clock to use during the

They got those in Lone Pine now????


Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
Hate to be a party pooper, but, get a regular alarm clock and get some sleep. Escalating pranks always screw up good friendships!
Buy a automatic light timer. Plug their stereo in their room into it, turn the radio all the way up and set it to turn on at about 2 or 3.

In my prank war someone suggested straitening out some staples and shoving them down in their deodorant.

Take all of their bedding out of the house. Pillows, blankets, sheets. Everything.


Here is a few I did while in school
- Fill toilet bowl to top with water and then turn into clear jello.
- Put a live carp into toilet tank.
- Put various roadkill in oven (guys never used their ovens so they never opened them until to late)
- Cover toilet opening with saran wrap.

Nothing too fancy. I have more but will wait until statute of limitations runs out before I share:).
>Here is a few I did
>while in school
>- Fill toilet bowl to top
>with water and then turn
>into clear jello.
>- Put a live carp into
>toilet tank.
>- Put various roadkill in oven
>(guys never used their ovens
>so they never opened them
>until to late)
>- Cover toilet opening with saran
>Nothing too fancy. I have more
>but will wait until statute
>of limitations runs out before
>I share:).
dude, i'm doing the saran wrap thing to my wife:) i dont know why, but it's gonna be great!
Send a singing gay telegram to them at work. Money well spent.

Leave their name and number with a army recruiter.

Call blue stakes just when the yard is looking great!!

Have a load of top soil dropped off in the driveway, pre pay of course.

Sign them up for Playgirl!!

Or if all else fails go rabbit hunting to the west desert and leave them when they are not looking!!! lmao
Hate to be a party pooper, but, get a regular alarm clock and get some sleep. Escalating pranks always screw up good friendships!
>Hate to be a party pooper,
>but, get a regular alarm
>clock and get some sleep.
>Escalating pranks always screw up
>good friendships!

Hmmmm red that was already mentioned above, and you are one to talk!!! LMAO
77 and 77 are you two married?? lmao jk...

Thanks for all the awesome ideas everyone, I'll be using some of them for sure!! The war is on like donkey kizzong!!

I called verizon today learned that I have the option on my volume level to turn my phone on "alarm only" so from now on, I can keep my phone on without hearing the calls and messages I receive during the day...they couldn't believe I didn't already know about it...I told em I couldn't believe a cell company was smart enough to do something like that!!

i have the ultimate! i mean ultimate!! payback~ a friend did it to me ill send you a pm it can back fire if they are quick thinking tho. had i not been in the middle of something when it hapend id have burned him good but ill let you judge. but trust me its good!
Get a jumper wire, connect the brake lights fuse to the horn fuse, every time he puts his foot on the brakes. . . . . HONK!

Rub some dirt on it, ya sissy!
Heard one today where the guy got a Magnetic bumper sticker that Reads "I love Gay Porn" and you put it on the side of his car he doesn't see. He said his buddy drove around town for a week and half with it on his car. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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