prank war


Long Time Member
My relief at work and I have had a prank war for the last couple months. Here's some pranks we have done to eachother.

He is deathly afraid of snakes. I tied a rubber one in a production unit so when he opened the door it flew at him.
He got me back with a picture of the hoff in a thong on my desktop on my work computer.

I filled his hubcaps with rocks and let the mechanic tell him what I did.

He turned my AC on while my truck was warming up in the parking lot

I filled his heater vents with baby powder and he got a mouthfull when he turned his heater on.

He threw a bucket of water on my truck seat yesterday. Froze my butt off.

I wanna get him back but I'm out of ideas any help or stories will be awesome thanks.

Sounds like you guys are getting nasty - Water on the truck seat? Assuming a company truck?

You have laptops? - Got one guy at work by going into his email setup and whenever he type the word "the" would replace it with "I am gay".

3 weeks went by and he did not say a work to anyone. All his emails did not contain "the".

Just be careful about company property - with todays job market could get you into some trouble.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-29-09 AT 02:52PM (MST)[p]The email one is pretty good. I'm not that good with computers.

I had my wife pick up a sticker.a hot pink, Wrangler butts drive me nuts is going on his headache rack.

In a prank war years and years ago, I stole a small cherished heirloom from the victim and hid it where it would never be found. I then emptied a couple cans of chili in the toilet and stirred it up real nice. All the heavy stuff went to the bottom and made the water look like someone was prepping for a colonoscopy. I then wrote him a little poem and left it on the seat for him to find later. I dont remember the whole poem, but the last lines were, "Something precious and valuable lurks down below, but flush the toilet and away it goes!" He of course went straight to where he kept this little heirloom and found it missing. Only thing he could was to roll up his sleeves and fish around down there. Of course he didnt know it was just chili. We did leave him a dime at the bottom though just to give him something to find.
I don't know if you have access to his deodorant, but, when I was playing baseball in college a couple of my teammates took some staples and straightened them out then pushed them into my deodorant. A couple weeks went by and I had quite the painful surprise waiting for my armpits.

Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean. Apologize to No One.
Lol those are pretty good. No I don't have access to his deodorant.

I was thinking about rolling a firecracker into one of his cigarettes. But that is really mean. But so is water on my truckseat when we work outside. I will have to think it over.

Have you thought of sticking his toothbrush up your dogs butt and then sending him the photo of it?

Something harmless but kind of a pain in the ass for him to clean up is to put some grease under the door handle of his truck. Keep it on the underside and he'll get grease all over his fingers along with his door handle. Grease is not fun to get off.

I like the heirloom joke, Griz. That is hilarious!

roll down his drivers side window get a small bucket of smashed glass and dump it all over the ground watch him drive home when it's 10 below with his window down. also grease on the door handles is good but on windsheild wipers is better.and if you got access to his truck and a little time a jumper wire from his horn to any switch with power is great fun.
duct tape a 3/4 x 6 bolt on his driveline...near the rear end. It will chip his teeth at about 25mph

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

We used to take some telephone wire, strip one end and wrap it around a spark plug(under the boot) and fish it through the firewall, under the floor mat up the back of the seat between the backrest and the bottom cushion,strip about 3-4 inches and lay it on the seat cushion. When they go to start it while they're nice and grounded to the ignition switch it'll zap em pretty good.
A friend and myself went through a war like this a few years ago. I took some clear silicone and put just a small amount inside the door locks of his truck. Dont use to much or it will never come out. Was funny as hell to watch him try and try to insert the key.[/IMG]
Ok here's what I did. I went to a well on his side that always has water in the scrubber pot (we work in a natural gas field) I ran a piece of pipe around to when he opens the valve it sprays him with water.

He is getting a transfer so I bought some prime times for us. I had my wife put a mini fire cracker in his cigar, its very hard to do but she did a great job.

I taped a bolt to his driveline this morning and unhooked his heater core and put a fitting on them so they still circulate. I put grease on his door handles and windshield wipers and threw snow all over the outside of his truck. Filled his cupholders with gojo.

I had some help so it all went fast. I wanted to do the spark plug thing but decided I was getting him good enough. Now all I gotta do is stay away from him for the next week and I'm home free. Thanks for the help.
P.s. The office manager video taped his reaction from inside. She said its priceless. I left before he came out.
He still has more surprises than what was obvious.

Get a hold of some bear gland scent. Put it on a cotton ball and shove it under his dash somewhere. He will have to buy a new truck.
Sounds like some great pranks boys!

back in high school me and a buddy had a good pranking relationship with our English teacher. We snuck into her office while she was out and put small firecrackers in her cigarettes between classes. A few hours later we went into English class... she wasnt there. An assistant came in and announced to the class that Mrs. Jackson has been seriously injured and had to be rushed to the hospital wish life threatening injuries. I'm sure we turned ghost pale. We freaked out. Then we were called over the intercom to the teachers lounge. Several teachers there including our English teacher just rolling with laughter. The teachers tried to keep it secret but word got out and we were suspended for a week. ahhh the good ol days.
I'm sure you didn't take any cigarettes either.

We met up on location about an hour ago just after he got sprayed by my rerouted pipe.

I said come have a cigar and call a truce. We stood there for about 5 minutes and he was taking a drag then BOOM! I can't repeat what he said and I got rolled around in the snow cause I was laughing too hard to defend myself.

Good times good times!

It was a lot of fun working with him.

Btw I fixed his heater.

Advertise a pre 64 model 70 winchester for sale in the paper and some online classifieds for $200. Put his personal number in the add with the remark "call anytime" he will get about 250 phone calls a day for something he dosn't even own.
Find a missionary and tell him your friend has showed alot of interest in the religon. Then give them his home #. HAHAHAHA[/IMG]
I love #17

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Sometimes you have to be careful when you start these wars.

I worked for Caltrans in the 70's, as an equipment operator.One winter, we were assigned a temporary supervisor from Los Angeles, who didn't know snow removal from nose hair removal......but made life tough for us with his over the shoulder supervision.

One night, we ran a road killed deer thru the sno blast, onto the side of a snow bank, threw in a bunch of denim rags and an old down sleeping bag, then called him out to the site.

Although he showed up and reacted exactly as we anticipated, he had called out the boss, county sheriff and CHP.......

Fortunately, most everyone clearly saw what happened and other than a minor azz chewing, I ducked the backfire.

Bet I would go to jail if it was in 2009.
Wire the horn and brake lights together so the horn goes off when he steps on the brakes. Works best on people commuting to work in the morning. Especially in traffic.

"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold
LAST EDITED ON Jan-01-10 AT 04:13PM (MST)[p]We use to get those ketchup packs you get from Burger King or fast food places when you order to go and put them under the rubber stop on the toilet seat. When they sit down it breaks open and it's all over your pants and legs. You have to place the pack so the rubber stop is at the end of the pack and the pack is to the front of the seat.
Ad on Craiglist in the Adult section will do wonders for him use his cell number so his wife/girlfriend don't pay the price.. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
If it is the dominate religion in Utah, you will be tracked down to the ends earth and it will last until the end of time. I know cause I did it myself!:)
Lets hear some details!

"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold
Not sure if you can buy them in the winter, but go to a gardening store/nursery. You can buy a container of a 1000 ladybugs. Keep them in the refrigerator and they stay dormant. When your ready put them under the seat of his truck. This works good when it's cold outside. When he get's in the truck and drives off and the heater warms the truck, they get very active. It takes weeks/months to get rid of them. I've done this twice, it works great.

()_) ()_)---)_)

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
We tried this one but it didnt work for us. We used half a bottle!

>A few drops of Visine it
>his drink, you will like
>that one...

buying used xmas trees put his number lol
.all the free advertising ads sign his name he will get a bunch. if he has a wife get a subcription to playboy she will come unglued lol or just send 1 mag that will work to
put ad in paper need gay roomate.lmao

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