prank ideas



I have an employee who needs pranked. As I have gotten older I seem to have lost my edge so I was hoping you could throw me few ideas on HR friendly pranks.
What do you do? office situation? Construction? I will do my best to help but Nickman is the prank king I've decided..

I run a call center in Alabama.

He needs pranked. He is trying to get the employees to participate in a prank against me for Halloween. I find that the best defense is a good offense.
Pull him in your office and say congrats his wife/girlfriend told you she was pregnant.

Loosen the screws on his chair so they will hold when he pulls it out but come out when he sits down.

Dump a bottle of water on his chair.

Put some salt in his coffee.
Rub some stink bomb stuff on his phone.

tape the button down that you put the phone on to hang up. So the phone won't pick up.

I will keep thinking and let you know some more.

The old you are Famous at the Office Prank
Get a whole bunch of people to email target about hearing them on the radio. Allude to something about a secret microphone and that you would be really upset too if they had done that to you. Make sure at least a half a dozen people email them with the same take on the story. Include comments like, "Does your family know about this?" or "I support you no matter what people say."


When they've left their desk, make a screen capture (print screen) of the person's desktop (preferably with a program open). Go into Windows Paint program and paste. Save as a bmp. Load the picture as the person's background. Sit back and watch them double clicking and rebooting fruitlessly. (Note: you can also create a bmp of an entire black screen and do the same. The mouse moves, but there's nothing to click on if you hide the icons!).

Is his wife good looking?


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
For a Halloween prank you could put an add in craigslist or the newspaper and announce:

"FREE PUMPKINS!!! We tons of large pumpkins that I am wanting to get rid of. Please Call """""""""""" Then give his name and cell, home, or work number. I think that it would work best a week before halloween.

Also if you manage the office (if your an authority) you could announce to everyone that the friday before halloween is costume day and the coworkers are allowed to wear a costume to work that day. Then make sure that nobody wears a costume that day and he is the only one wearing a costume.

If all that fails just take a piss in his coffee!! Smitty
When he's not looking get on his computer and hold down keys ctrl alt and press the down arow key and the whole screen flips up side down. He will be trying to fix it with the mouse and when he moves the mouse up it will go down. Let it be like that for the whole day. It may not seem like it but its pretty Frustrating. Then if you want to fix it just hold down ctrl alt and press the up arow key. You could do it like all week but dont show him how to fix it.
Put a piece of crab meat or something like that in his headset and let him wonder for the next week where that awful smell is coming from.
This happened to my son the other day and I am still laughing my arse off. The guys at work tied the out-house to his car and they buried the rope. He hopped in his car to take off didn't have a clue. Guess he drug it 100 feet before he noticed.

You could tape an open can of Sardiens under his desk.
Set his clocks 15 mins early!
Send him a subscription of some gay magizine to his home or the office if he has a mail box.
A small film of axel greese on his wiper blades. He won't know it till he turns them on in a week or two.
A little axel greese/butter or crisco under his door knobs handles car or desk.

I put a glade plug in under his desk, a pair of panties in his car(who knew you could get them at good will), sent a text from his phone that was nasty, and called his wife to let her in on the joke. He came home smelling of lilacs. His wife questioned him about the perfume scent, asked to see his phone, then searched his car..... I didn't get to see his face, but from what I understand he was almost in tears.

All in good fun, and she let him off the hook in the end. Thanks for all the ideas.
Need more information.
Long term?
Short term?

I pretty much can match any occasion, but my only caution......payback comes in various degrees, so you need to be prepared for the "recoil".
i have a buddy who works in a metal fabrication shop. he took the main cut mans tape measure, cut it off at the 1 inch mark , the rivited the end back on it.
the guys screwed up hi cuts all morning untill someone finally told him.:)

we have a radio station here called "tradio on the radio" basically you call in and advertise something you want to sell.

i called in and said i had 2 refridgerator boxes full of hamms beer cans i wanted hauled of. first come first serve ASAP. then i gave one of are sub-contractors cell phone # to call. he had 30 call/ messages in the next hr, and tons of calls for the next 2 days.
Ha ha ha. That reminds me on the raideo when this guy said that hes got pigs for sale. That they are big fat and the number he left was the number to the police station.

Had me laughing for days.
tie some wrenches to his drive line he'll think somethin is severly wrong. Make a sign and put it on which ever end he doesnt see when he goes out to his car write something on it like copkiller or a gay message on it. put a little grease on his briefcase.
FelPro grease on the underside of his phone, desk drawer handles etc........he will not like that at all.


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