Prague and Vienna


Coach Hunt


Ruthie and I are on our European tour. Prices are terrible in Vienna and not too bad in Prague. We are hail and hardz and sang with the Czeck National Orchestra Sundaz. What a great experience...gotta love it. Bura, CD#s maz be available later.

Wish us luck...will check back in after arrival in states on 27June03.

Shoot straight and staz cool. Its hot HOT here.

No wonder you haven't been answering the phone Coach. Hope you are having a great time and fill me in on all the details when you get home....


We are back and proud to be citizens and residents of the good ole USA.

Whew what a fast and furious trip....and yes, in Vienna the y and the z are switched on the computer keyboards. Also the @ sign is made by alt-q of all things.

I did not get a chance to go through the CZ rifle plant in Prague, but had a few minutes in BRNO. Outstanding facility. We saw deer blinds in every country we visited, reminded me of the hill country of Texas with blinds everywhere. In Frankfort, they had an optics shop that had every imaginable bino and spotting scopes. Zeiss, Swarofcourse, Leica, etc.
The exchange rate of the dollar to Euro defeated any attempt to upgrade my optics. When we booked the trip, a dollar equaled 1.78 Euros, but when we got there, the dollar equaled .875 Euros. I look for US to prop up the dollar to where it is equal to the Euro soon.

Time's up... got to go.

Shoot straight.


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