Practice Target Idea



I'm sure someone else has done this, but it's alot of fun.

Got bored shooting one day and set a tennis ball on top of box in front of my target. Drilled it once and then got another idea....

Ended up with a tennis ball suspended about 12 inches in front of my target, hanging from a bent peice of coat hanger on a string.

Did wonders for my shooting. Having a three dimensional object in space to shoot at really made something click. It's also a blast when you knick it and it starts swinging back and forth giving you a movng target.
take your coat hanger and stick it in teh ground of to the side of your target.
I prefer to use sticks.
and blow up small round water ballons.
stick them on the other end of the stick.

see what i do around my pond. the ballons are spaced a 5yd increments from my standing /shooting position.
I use the burm as my backstop
Never used a tennis ball, but have done it with ping pong balls. Works great, and definatly helps tighten up the groups.


When in doubt, floor it.

Diplomacy is the art of saying "nice doggy" until you find a big stick.
That sounds fun and helpful. When I was a kid shooting at competitions they would have these team events every once in a while where they had a small helium ballon with a paper plate attached by a string below it. The first shooter would take out the ballon and the second shooter would try to pin the plate against the target before it fell.

I think anything like you guys are saying would definitely be helpful.


?Just think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are even stupider!?
~George Carlin
>ops, picture to small

nice pop up's have a herd like that myself!

We play horse just like basketball, Have 9 3d targets, elk, deer, bear big deer, raccon ect all sizes and then we do things like stand on one leg on a log, laying on your side, ect and take shots at the 3d's fun, Altough me and mr wood chuck have a hard time it has chucked a few of my arrows!! Darn thing
Also have played shooting hanging milk jug full of sand
I love the ideas, hope more post, anything to keep shooting.

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