Can't help but comment on this subject, even though, I know that most of the comments are juvenile (which explaines the trash language) I certainly can tell the REAL HUNTERS from the ones like Elitehornhunter, which us OLD GUYS don't need to pay any attention to, just scratch him off your list, as his picture shows, he is barely dry behind the ears, probably needs his nose wiped and his diaper needs changing, as it is certainly FULL, he is not ole enough to have much experience in the field of hunting. Yes he was one lucky kids that got a nice deer this last year, even if it is blown up or whatever it was a nice one, but they come far and few between. We, us OLD HUNTERS, don't need to lower ourselves to argue the point with him, we know that what we see and count is a fact, as one of you said, the deer herd has greatly declined in the last five years, but more so, what I used to see 40 years ago, to this day, makes me SICK, and it is because of poor MANAGEMNT, we always had coyotes, lions, etc. but always there was a quanity and quality deer....over sales of tags, over kills will do it everytime to anything....I'm a cattleman, I'm in the hills all summer long, when I lose a cow or calf, the way I count it, I'm one less animal, now if I was to lose 50 and 50 each year it wouldn't be long until I was out of cattle....not hard to understand.ITS A FACT THE DEER HERD IN UTAH IS WAY DOWN AND CONTINUING TO DECLINE EACH YEAR. I am appalled that DWR is continuing with a nine day hunt in 2012, this is what I mean about management...yes there are other factors to the decline of the deer, but the biggest factor is the amount of tags given..and NO-ONE CAN TELL ME DIFFERENT....if there was half the tags, only half the deer would be killed because of tags, (wouldn't that be one place to start?) NO NEED TO ARUGE WITH ME EHORNHUNTER, as I'm not going to argue with you, your not old enough to look back over the years. I have a Nephew that runs cattle on the Beaver Mt. he said he has seen a very big decline of deer in that area, and he'll be glad to take you (has an extra horse) this summer and you and him, I hope he'll ask me to come, can count the deer in that area...just put the date of the site and he'll be ready.