Post Hunt Depression...


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Oct-02-09 AT 02:09PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-02-09 AT 02:04?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Oct-02-09 AT 02:04?PM (MST)

I know I'm the only one here with it. It's been almost a week since I've returned from my first ever archery elk hunt. Drove 13 hours last Sunday to arrive home by midnight. Back in front of the computer Monday morning and been there ever since. The planning and anticipation all year long and it goes so fast. My everyday world is concrete and traffic and I can barely see the mountains on a clear day. I have felt confined all week and find myself going into the parking lot just so I can have a sense of "space" around me. Oh god, do I really have to wait 51 weeks till next year.

Although I did not harvest an animal I did have 2 good chances. I consider a hunt a success if I get at least 1 good chance. Here are a few pix from my adventures in SW Colorado.

Here's me in my "outfit" as my wife likes to call it.

Home for the week.

Some of the country I was hunting.


This is the first time I have hunted in September in the Rockies, the aspens were AMAZING!!


The hike in one morning

Tried sitting a few waterholes and wallows.

Had high hopes for this one but no luck

Sat this one for 6 hours. Thank god for books on tape.

The only elk I had seen were either running thru the trees or on distant hillsides. I did have a bull working 70-80 yards from me earlier in the week. He was bugling like mad but I never layed eyes on him. Finally about 30 minutes before sunset on my last evening, there he was. A nice 5x5 fed out into the meadow I was watching about 200 yards away. If you've ever been in a car wreck, where everything slows down and your heart starts racing, well then you know how I was feeling when I spotted him. I eased back over the hill and and started my move. Got to about 100 yards and peeked around a tree. The damn bugger had me pegged, WTF. He spun and ran. I was bummed but grateful just to have that experience.

Good luck to all those still hunting and keep the pix and stories coming. I need my fix.

"Post Hunt Depression..." - I LOVE IT!!

Even though I live near the mountains here in Utah, it's definitely not the same as living "IN" the mountains for 11 days, so I can definitely relate to the "Post Hunt Depression" part, even though I was successful.

Those are definitely some great pictures and I really like the first one with the "Outfit" and how you blend in with the background and the ones of the Quakies and your camp and your close call with that Bull!

Thanks for the post and great pix!

?-ERock-> ?
I feel your pain bro!
I wish I lived close enuf to see those peaks, I'm a good 1200 miles away from the nearest rocky mountain peak.
Every year around this time I threaten to just have a big fire sale, pack up the wife & kid and a few important belongings and head west!

Anxiously awaiting whitetail season here...
At the "ripe old age" of almost 38, a dying and nearly blind Jim Bridger was living with family in Kansas (or some flat state). With a wistful look on his face, he was facing the west and said, "I wish I could see them thar hills just one more time".

We all know what he meant.

I'm so fortunate to live here. I get to "live" there for most of 20 days, but spend a great many weekends scouting and will spend several long weekends through the end of the year....AFTER the big-game seasons, I still get to get out in "them thar hills" and hunt coyotes.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
You have the same point of view as I do. If I get a shot or get close to any wild life I consider it a success. I had Archery Deer last month in Southern NM and only saw a couple not worth taking a shot. Down here if we don't tag out in Sept we can go again in january which is the RUT. I had 5 bull elk within about 150 yards and lots of gobblers neither of which I had tags for but what a blast. Keep looking at those pics and hopefully time will pass but I am certain not fast enough.
You nailed it for I'll bet 99.9% of us here. And I'm including those of us with other hunts coming up. NOTHING is like the prep and anticipation of an elk hunt. NOTHING. And the prep and dreams of what may come may in fact be the best part .....
Sweet dreams bro for the next 51 weeks.
i hear ya i feel that way every year. but it is great to get out there isn't it.

i agree keep the pics coming helps me get my fix too

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