Post Count


For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
I thought I read there was a prize for different mile stone post counts . Some thing like a secret decoder ring for 5 thousand posts . I hear the big money prizes are when you reach 10 thousand , and you get to pick a brand new spankin truck complete with Monster Muley logos .

I'm waiting till a bright red glittery bass boat is offered , and then I'll really bump up my post count .
The 10,000 post club;

B Bop should have, he started over, way over 10K along with Eelgrass and Kilo. There may be some others but these guys are "up there" :)

I have been a member since 2000 and never posted too much back then after one of my posts was NUKED for a comment I made to someone else....don't even remember who the idiot was I wrote about. was tame compared to what is posted now days...LOL

Well, you get to 10,000 when you start joining forums when the best computer game goin' was PONG!

".....but by God, I never said a word to a pig!"
Does my post count shown reflect nuked posts (example...pumpkin pictures) or are those posts tossed out the window?? If so, I'm probably around 7500 or so :D

Who has the most nuked posts??? feleno, bobcatbess, never_catch, stinkystomper, eldorado. those are the ones that come to mind to be in the runnings.

I have been a member for some time now and don't have a lot of post to show for it. I guess I better start posting a bunch of BS to catch up with the rest of you.

I found this site and joined in the summer of 2000. In 11 years I have only racked up 456 posts. I guess this makes it 457. I like to read and listen more than I like to type and be heard.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
I just up'ed mine. haha.
At this rate I'll be dead before I reach 10K.
No way am I even close to you young computer dudes (or you old crusty posters).

LAST EDITED ON Jul-29-11 AT 10:36AM (MST)[p]Well I'm on my way 853.................blast off...^ Hey I had to edit this does that count as a post?

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