Post 9/11 G.I. BILL


Long Time Member
So the friendly folks at the V.A. sent me a letter earlier this week stating that if I want to take advantage of my benefits there's never been a better time due to a new and improved benefit called the Post 9/11...

The orginal benefit covered the cost of tuition, fees, and if I go back to school they will give me a basic allowance for housing or BAS, equivalent to and E-5 with dependents. When I was E-4 with dependents in Washington I received just under a grand a month for BAS. Now I'm sure Utah has a lower cost of living than west of Seattle but it should be very close to where it was back in 2002-2004. I already and rated at 50% thru the VA for disbility and receive just under $900 a month the rest of my life...add another grand and all tuition and fees paid...I don't think I really have a choice but to take advantage of my GI Bill now.

Anyways just wanted to share the info with any other vets out there that haven't heard about this yet...feel free to pm me if you want more specific details on what exactly you qualify for as it's different for most.

and of course...GO KOBE GO!!!!!

LAST EDITED ON Apr-30-09 AT 08:41PM (MST)[p]you would be doing yourself and family a great disservice by not using your G.I. bill and getting a good education along with the other bennies. It help pay for my college education and the purchase of two homes at very low rates .
Just be sure to take courses that will benifit you down the line, not just basket weaving to burn up the credits.


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