Possible move to western MT...



Greetings all. I'm a life long MT res, grew up in Gallatin Co. and have hunted elk, bear, deer, and lions in central and southeast MT my entire life. I can only remember one elk I killed that wasn't in the general vicinity of the gallatin national forest, and I've been fortunate enough to fill my last 8 elk tags but I'm not scared to shoot a cow. So... my wife interviewed today in Hamilton and it's looking very much like she may get the job and we'd be moving to the Hamilton/Stevensville area by Dec. Anybody know what the hunting in the area is like? I'm not asking for spots or even general areas, just what should I expect for elk hunting in the area? I see right off the bat that the regs are quite a bit more restrictive for both deer and elk than I'm used to...Are the odds good for a guy who knows how to use maps and is willing to abuse his body for a shot at an elk? Or will I be driving back to hunt my honey holes in SE MT? PM me if you don't want to discuss openly ;)
John, cow hunting in the Root is virtually non existent now. Wolves have ravaged our region. There are elk that migrate in, and elk that live on big private land holdings. It's going to be tough hunting here for quite a few years. We haven't bottomed out yet.

I wanted to take a scalp,but the kill was not mine.
Thanks for the info, sounds like what I have heard from others. My wife just called, she took the job and starts in November, guess I'll be burning some gas this hunting season. I'm hoping to explore those mountains this winter though and hopefully chase a cat or two.
welcome to the root. Elk huntin is down the tubes and large coyote hunting might be a great hobby. The muley tags are difficult to draw but if ya enjoy lookin at some hogs they are around. If you archery hunt the riverbottom is great for whitetails if you can get permission.

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Montana Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Bearpaw Outfitters

Mule deer, whitetail, antelope, buffalo, and prairie dogs on private ranch leases totaling about 100,000 acres.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, whitetail and antelope and manage our ranches for top quality.

Vargo Hunting

Top quality bear, antelope and free range bison hunts on the Crow Indian Res. Turkey and cougar as well.

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