Possible MM Forums?



I'm kind of new here but I think I seen a while back where somebody suggested an MM ADULT Forum?
(And No,I 'm not talking a full blown XXX free for all either,I'm talking about highly classified material as Feleno posts)
Also,seems to be quite a few PERFECT MM Angels around here,maybe there could be an MM Church forum as well?
One of the best things that ever happened around here was when the Political Forum showed up,most of them Political Boys stay in there right where they belong for the most part.
Just think,if we did have them,there'd be no excuses to hurry and ALERT Feleno,you don't have to click/open unless you want to,you're old enough to make the decision/choice.
Just saying,Men will be Men,Boys will be Boys and some people think they'll always be perfect,therefore We'd just about have most subjects covered and if everybody minded their own business and stayed in the right forums nobody would be offended.
Just a thought,one day without some Feleno humor around here is showing already.
I'm all for a feleno forum. And any other crude and hilarious jokes. This is a hunting site though. I started coming to mm when I was 11, there are some things posted that an 11 year old should not see or read. I can see where kilo is coming from on this. It sucks but I won't stop coming to the campfire for other funny stories and other misc stuff.

This is a great site and it would suck if a lawsuit came because of a picture posted here that a mom caught her 11 year old looking at.


Well justr?
Just wondering how old you are?
And did you survive MM?
Well kilo.
Your trigger nuke finger is so famous you might be known as FounderII
Just Razzin you,I've never known you not to be able to take anything thats thrown.
I also know you've never NUKED very many posts/threads.
Sorry kilowatt I meant founder. My bad.

I'm all for how its been lately, very entertaining I'm just saying I can see where founder is coming from. I personally know there are a lot of kids that frequently visit this site.


>How about getting it back to
>the way it was 5
>or 6 years ago???
>Its a hunting site!

The Campfire as it was 5 or 6 years ago? Really? Please see the RIP post. In my opinion, that would suck.

I hardly ever read anything on the other "hunting forums" here any more. All the bickering, name calling and jealousy makes me puke. I come here to the campfire forum looking for a little comic relief and to let off some steam. But right now the campfire is gasping for air. If you can't take or don't like what you see, then don't click.

...bunch of self righteous hypocrites... (walking away muttering, kicking rocks and talking to myself)

Just my two cents.
"If you can't take or don't like what you see, then don't click"

Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it. If I want to click, I click, if I don't want to click, I don't click....

I don't really take anything thing on here too serious (usually). After all, its the internet.
Thread #8 +1 I think that there should be a pg-13 area. There are a lot worse things to look at on the internet then what is posted here and they are a lot easier to find. kids will see as much to today when the watch Budweiser and Godady commercials during the Superbowl.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
I have not seen anything from feleno since all this came about. Did he get sent to the happy hunting grounds to hang out with Bessy?


Feleno is around. He's probably out driving around trying to remember where he left his wife this time.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-07-10 AT 01:16PM (MST)[p]Eel,
thanks for the reminder, I'll be back in half an hour.....
Well kilo.
Your trigger nuke finger is so famous you might be known as FounderII
Just Razzin you,I've never known you not to be able to take anything thats thrown.
I also know you've never NUKED very many posts/threads.

Well HELLONWHEELS, maybe I should start using this itchy finger of mine more often. There are alot of posts I would just love to nuke as soon as I see them...LMAO.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-07-10 AT 03:35PM (MST)[p]>>How about getting it back to
>>the way it was 5
>>or 6 years ago???
>>Its a hunting site!
>The Campfire as it was 5
>or 6 years ago? Really?
>Please see the RIP post.
>In my opinion, that would
>I hardly ever read anything on
>the other "hunting forums" here
>any more. All the bickering,
>name calling and jealousy makes
>me puke. I come here
>to the campfire forum looking
>for a little comic relief
>and to let off some
>steam. But right now the
>campfire is gasping for air.
>If you can't take or
>don't like what you see,
>then don't click.
>...bunch of self righteous hypocrites... (walking
>away muttering, kicking rocks and
>talking to myself)
>Just my two cents.

+100 Horn

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