Portable electric fences?


Active Member
Anybody know anything 'bout portable electric fences?

I'm interested in the kind that you set up around your camp when back packing. You also use them when using livestock to pack in your stuff...you put them around your beasts to keep them in.

I think that they are powered by D cells.
John 14:6
I have heard of guys putting these things up while they are hunting int the backcountry in Alaska for keeping the big bears out of their camps. Heard they worked pretty good in aspect. Google up the Alaska outdoor forum ands see if you can find anything on the bear fences.
How well broke is your livestock to electric fences? If they respect electric fences then a couple strands of "horse tape", a few plastic insulators, a few plastic step in posts and you're good to go. Small portable fence chargers that run on small 6 or 12 volt batteries are getting much better and affordable. Another thing to remember for that type of set up is that baling twine (I know, my farmer is showing) makes great insulators and can be tied to brush or trees for corners to hold your tape. I used this for a while when we were taking horses. A very carefree way to have them be secure. But mine were very well trained in "Edison medicine".

Not sure how it would work for bears. I can see everything torn to hell and an angry bear but then I've never tried it.
I know a lot about electric fence for livestock here in se Nebr. and did a lot of research about them for controling bears in bear country. When we were in Wyoming 2 years ago I took a couple fencers and fence material but did not use them. They have done some research with bears and electric fence and it seems hunter friendly. However when you are backpacking the fencer and the fence can add some weight. I contacted the Montana fish and game Bear biologist and he sent some info about bear control with a elec fence. If I remember right ,they took road killed deer and elk and piled them in the back country and put an electric fence around the carcass. They set up cameras to capture the bears when they visited. The fence worked good and kept the bears off the meat execept when one bear came in running hard and knocked down the fence, grounding it so it did not work anymore and another bear dug around the fence piling dirt until it grounded out the fence. The wires ( some use regular wire 17 or 14 ga. and some use a twine with stainless wire strands woven throughout) must not contact the ground or dirt to work. Must be placed in insulators. There are lots of different fencers. Some that use batteries. some that have solar panels.some that run off 6 or 12 volt car batteries and some that use electricity. the cost can run from $50 to $250 and up depending on what you want. I have seen outfitters use them arond their camp cook shacks to keep out bears when no one is around. It works. Hope this helps ya out!
The guys that keep bees out in the foothills here, use solar powered ones to keep the bears out.

They mostly seem to work, but then again, when they just piss the bear off and he scatters EVERY box in the enclosure.......

I have one that was at an empty site that I cleaned up and it works well on my dogs.

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
This makes me Laugh!

A Bee keeper a few years back was having trouble with a Bear destroying an average of 3 boxes per hit!

So they decided to fix that bear!

Put the electric fence around the boxes!

He said it worked real well & must of agitated the bear real well!

First hit from the Bear after they put the electric fence up the Bear came in & destroyed nearly every Bee Box!:D

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
BBOP........Yeah, when the beekeeper called us to see if someone had a bear tag who wanted to set up on his site, I thought it looked like a bomb had gone off!

Bear broke every box and scattered them in a 40 yard circle. The area was real sandy and there were no tracks within 30 feet of some of the stuff, so he actually tossed the chit around. He was obviously pissed at something.....fence or bees!

Reminded me of a 18 brat birthday party at Chuck E Cheese!

Or the Million Man March, some years back, but without the Colt 45 cans!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
I have way more experience with solar electric fences than I wish I had. Unfortunately, most of that experience was accumulated while my hands were attached to that fence....
at least your hands was holding on to the fence and NOT your junk at the same time and letting out a stream of water.

Worse prank I played on a cousin.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Stinky, we started using this setup for Wilderness hunts and keeping the horses in place. Worked great. Used trees for poles with insulators then had a 6 foot solid copper wire for ground. and just dug a shallow trench. Horses have a electric top rail in pasture so they are well aware of what it is. They would get to 3 foot of fence and back way. Really did even need to turn it on.

Outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man.

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