Pope & Young Bull



I just scored an Oregon bull that netted 368 , I'm a B&C measurer but I don't have any P&Y books. I'd have to guess 368 is one of the higher bulls in P&Y for Oregon?

Stay thirsty my friends
378-6/8 is the biggest Rossie of all time I believe. 368 would put him right up there. Have any pictures you would like to share of the monster?
I didn't take any and while the hunter is a friend I wouldn't feel comfortable sending out the first pictures .

I only see one bull in B&C over 375 taken in the last 25 years, so 368 with a bow ain't bad. he's a rocky by the way, sometimes I forget there is anything else since I live on the east side.

Stay thirsty my friends
The state record, typical rocky, is 387 gross and 378 net (and change in both numbers)
No, Union county. I'd say a little more about it but quite a few people will recognize the hunter's name so I don't want to say a lot.

I was just trying to see how many bigger bulls have been taken in OR with a bow. I'm sure there are a few but I doubt there are lots of them.

Stay thirsty my friends
LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-13 AT 09:52PM (MST)[p]Glad to hear some more biggin's have been taken! Friend took at 368" bull during archery this year, reason I asked :)I know of 2 others that went over 350 this past season, 1 of which was on public ground besides my friends.

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