Poor Justr


Very Active Member
Justr went to the doc today, turns out his leg is broken. I believe this is the 4th time that particular leg has been broken.
Drink more milk, you need to get all healed up. I need your help packing elk out this fall.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
I talked to him last night on the Phone!

Told him he better get it looked at!

Did he listen?

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Ya he went this afternoon, a few people have been telling him to go. I think something mrs justr said finally convinced him to go. Now we just need to get him to slow down for a few days and give it a chance to heal correctly.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
First his sick boy.....now a broken leg? I'd say he needs a break from the bad stuff! Maybe this is his year to draw a really good tag...

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
his leg just "broke"??....."gee, my leg hurts...maybe it's broke?"

doesn't something usually lead up to a broken leg??...like a fall or something???

Yeah I snapped my leg in half playing baseball. Maybe Justr broke his at ballet practice or something! :)

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
I heard he was at the strip club wingin quarters at the girlies and one of em whooped him and 86'd his ass right outta there...:)

If you're going to get hurt this is the time to do it that's for sure...heal up quick justr!!
I was thinking about telling the real reason but the stories that are coming in are better than the truth, I am going to go with never_catch on this one. . . Lmao

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
If you'll recall, this is the same clutz that also hit a cow in his truck and got bit by a dog on the same day! How do you hit a cow? It's not like they leap out in front of you.
I was told the "gunt" from the walmart post did it!

Afterall, it does say something bad happened at Walmart!
He might have to be a blocker this fall,don't want to cripple him up with too much walking.Blockers don't get to have a dog hunting with them. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Well thanks for tellin everybody......

I was helping a neighbor unload oak logs and he though I was out of the way.... Fractured just below where I broke it in half on a motorcycle. A week after I was out of that cast I broke it again at school. Then a year later I broke it when I jumped a fence and landed in a post hole.

Broken bone #28......

Shummy the cow did run out in front of me you A-hole!

Cows aren't exactly famous for speedily darting out in front of vehicles. I would describe their gait as more of a plod, but whatever you need to tell yourself.
justr- You should have been an actor....break a leg!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police

Jumping a fence? Log rolling? Seriously? This is a manly break! J/K

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
At the rate I'm going I don't know if I will make it to 51 bean.

Shummy, tell me their slow when one decides to run your ass over!

Wisz, that picture brings back painfull memories from when I broke mine in half on the dirt bike.

Out of all of them I think the collar bone was probably the worst. Funny story though. I had a 5th wheel hitch in the back of my truck, I had welded a "stripper pole" that slid in the hitch for the ladies at parties. It was a hit! I was smashed drunk standing in the back of my truck and she spun around and I stepped back so she didn't hit me and slipped on the wheel well and fell out head first and landed on a cobble rock.
I was in PE playing soccer and we were mouthing off to eachother and I said something to a kid and struck a nerve. He went to kick me and I put my hand down to block it and he spiral fractured my thumb. It was spun around so my thumb nail was on top of my wrist. Well obviously it pissed me off so I punched him with my other hand and started kicking him. My teacher tackled me. Then she passed out when I showed her my hand when I was explaining why I was kicking him. The dr. Gave me verset (sp?) And I punched him when he jerked my thumb back out straight. Its crooked....

I guess each broken bone or scar has a story, I just happen to have quite a few!

A bunch of us were wondering if you'd mind if we took out a term life policy on you. At 25, your rates can't be to high and your life expectancy can't be all that great.

Any of you insurance folks out their care to give us a quote on a healthy 25 year old, living a clean quiet life in the country? I'm in for a 5 year term life for $1,500,000. Anyone one else wish to aggregate a short term sure thing?

86, have you punctured a lung or have any large skull plates that we need to know about?

Seriously, heal up quick................we need you healthy for the physical. :)

All the best,
Ya that sounds like a great idea! Let's put a bounty on my head. Then Bess can luck a arrow into me at 175+ yards! Or hunterX's buddies can shoot AT me past 500 yards cause I won't know what's going on. Stinky can shoot me in the guts. Lol I will stop there.....

I can't get the image of Justr being tackled by his lady teacher out of my head.

Count me in for another 1.5 million policy 2lumpy. LOL

I think I can talk his wife into throwing a toaster into the shower to speed up our collection, so put me down for a chunk of that insurance money.
How many policies can you have on one person?
Thanks justr, its always good to have a friend willing to take one for the team. But usually its just taking the fat chick.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
86, it's justrnother way for us old busted up has-beens tell'en a 10 foot tall, bullet proof youngster that those "events" will have on going consequences if you don't get a shorter holt on that cotton braided rein. Didn't your Pa tell you if you go over 21, you broke? Ya got to start given those "log piles" in your life a little more space, cause if you don't your wife and the rest of us are gon'na get rich at your expense.

"Give it a rest bud."

Or hunterX's buddies can shoot AT me past 500 yards cause I won't know what's going on.

Hang in there justr!

I have like 250 vcr/dvd hunting movies and I have watch everyone of them this last 2 weeks stuck at home recovering.

If we lived closer----at least we could trade movies to watch!

You do know it just a saying "that girls love scars" right, you should get a tattoo on each one and number them 1-28. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Count me in. Anyone that gets his azz whupped by an old lady teacher won't be around much longer. :)

>A bunch of us were wondering
>if you'd mind if we
>took out a term life
>policy on you. At
>25, your rates can't be
>to high and your life
>expectancy can't be all that
>Any of you insurance folks out
>their care to give us
>a quote on a healthy
>25 year old, living a
>clean quiet life in the
>country? I'm in for
>a 5 year term life
>for $1,500,000. Anyone one
>else wish to aggregate a
>short term sure thing?
>86, have you punctured a lung
>or have any large skull
>plates that we need to
>know about?
>Seriously, heal up quick................we need you
>healthy for the physical. :)
>All the best,

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
>You do know it just a
>saying "that girls love scars"
> right, you should get
>a tattoo on each one
>and number them 1-28. LOL
>"I have found if you go
>the extra mile it's Never

Then I'd be labeled as a tatoo'd freak by you guys!

Pleasedear, Thats a good idea too bad we arent closer! All I can say is thank you DVR!


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