

Long Time Member
Driving down the road the other day I lifted a cheek and let one rip. I was especially proud of it. My wife said its not funny why are you laughing? Then she said nobody thinks its funny but me. I beg to differ! Do you think its funny? Have you ever woke yourself up with one? Or whoever your sleeping next to with one? How bout sharing a funny story?

My wife and I had been married for about 6 months, we drove for 6 hours to get to her parents house. I needed to stretch out so I layed down on the floor in front of the couch and was talking to everyone. Well I dosed off and woke up to everyone kinda giggleing and staring at me. Apparently I let a good one go and scared her mom when I did.... Wish I atleast woulda been awake to see it!

Depends on the situation. public, hard to say. Just me and the wife, I use to try and hide it, now I get more enjoyment if she dry heaves. Its not funny when she farts though.

That John Denver is full of $#!t man
Well, it's official. We have hit a new low at Monster Muleys. Please dear God, let hunting season begin. This waiting stinks.
If there ever comes a day in my life when farts aren't funny... in any situation, it'll be time for me to go. I hope my great grandkids laugh their butts off at me when I'm 90 and can't control 'em...
Hey justr,
Please post or send me a picture of your wife,Ya,one without you in it!
She's sounds like a gal with manners,probably cute too!}>}>}>

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
I'll bet the in-laws are proud of their son-in-law!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Ya b bop, they're pretty proud of me!

I will say I married up quite a bit! If I keep pissing her off you'll get 2 kids and half my stuff!

P.S. I taught my 3 year old to blame them on her... Lmao!

>If there ever comes a day
>in my life when farts
>aren't funny... in any
>situation, it'll be time for
>me to go.

That time may come, when you're 14. :)

Soooo... I was gonna ask what's next but I already think I know.

That is just too much, who says dinosaurs are extinct?

That John Denver is full of $#!t man
Hey justr?
Please send pics of your Truck,Dog,Guns & Wife!}>}>}>
Razzin Ya!}>}>}>}>}>

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Good hell NVB! When I said let it go I didn't mean like that! And to pick it up to take a picture is way way too much!

after you turn 50 there is two things you don't do.
1st one is never trust a fart.
2nd never waste a hard on.
So as you see NVB does neither. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>>If there ever comes a day
>>in my life when farts
>>aren't funny... in any
>>situation, it'll be time for
>>me to go.
>That time may come, when you're
>14. :)
>Soooo... I was gonna ask what's
>next but I already think
>I know.

WTF I can see gettn a picture of it and sending it to your buds but picking it up has crossed the line! LMAO


There are no big bucks in Utah! LOL
ever try to force one through the shower drain with the heal of your foot? Trust me, way better off flushing it.
Still waitin justr?
Like to see what guns,truck & dog are available?

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!

By far the most pathetic post ever NV. It was a bad enough thread but you are one sick sob.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-04-10 AT 07:40PM (MST)[p]That Dura-Maxi-Pad is the funniest lookin Datsun I've ever seen!}>}>}>


I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Good Lord! Did that thing come with a birth certificate?

One of my favorite pastimes is to go to Walmart with my wife, "crop dust" the womens wear section, back off a few yards and watch the reaction of the women shoppers. It's a hoot!
I am not sure I can visit this site anymore. Pictures of beautiful women get nuked and this thread marches on. Ya all some sick mo fo's.
Crop dusting is great. If your feeling brave then the walk by works great. Sometimes its really hard not to laugh, but you gotta wait till you get around the corner.

Bess you mean this one?


Ya,the Datsun will do!
Wondering about the Dog & Guns now?

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
As long as we outta control.... how bout this one?

gawd I luv youtuber

Lord have mercy I think the line was crossed a long time ago!

All time low boys but I can't turn away....

>ever try to force one through
>the shower drain with the
>heal of your foot? Trust
>me, way better off flushing

The first time my wife farted in front of me, we had just begun dating. Not wantint to embarass her, I waited about 10 seconds before I said 'I heard that'. She was so darned red from laughing.

Another story. About two years before my mom died, I was home on leave one hunting season. She was walking across the floor and started farting with every step. And coughing along with it, so as to hide the noise. That was the hardest I ever worked not to laugh.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Push one down the shower drain? Holy Hell!! LMAO!! This post is number 1....I mean 2...


Thats gotta be the fattest tootsie role I've ever seen.
>Soooo... I was gonna ask what's
>next but I already think
>I know.

I believe whoever delivered that required a Cesarean Section..

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