Politically Correct


Towel Heads

Recently I received a complaint about this politically incorrect term.
I have been informed the Islamic terrorists who hate our guts and want to kill us do not like to be called ?Towel Heads? since the item they wear on their heads is not a towel but actually a small folded sheet. From this point forward I will refer to them as ?little sheet heads?....... I can change.... Terry
We all must make change we are uncomfortable with at certain times in our lives, Terry. Have faith in the Lord and He'll guide you through this forest of darkness you are in. He will lead you to the pasture of green on the other side. Hang in there, Brother!

nuke em then we will not have to worry about there feelings because they won't be around to have any, oh ya lots of good people will stop dying that way, plus the price of gas will drop so our hunting trips will be cheaper. NICE. our government blows anyway politically correct is the worst freaking oxymoron there is,i hate those two words more than any other two words, those corrupt bunch of liars are probably over there on there knees anyway.our government mine as well be a bunch of towel heads. eco lovin liberal extremists. AND WOLVES BLOW,
That's funny right there. I shall change too. Is it okay to have some diversification and call some Big Sheet Heads? Thanks for your help.

Dang Tuf, how do you really feel? LOL. Homee's not going to like this post. The little sheet heads kill as many as the big sheet heads, so we should just generalize and call them all f'n sheet heads.
I second that Tuf & Zekers.

"Vegetarians are cool. All I eat are vegetarians - except for the occasional mountain lion steak."
-Ted Nugent-

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